How do I open this globe light fitting? There are no screws and it doesn’t turn

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How do I open this globe light fitting? There are no screws and it doesn't turn
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You may have to gently push it up towards the ceiling and then turn it, might just be a little stuck with dust from not moving in a while.

I’d recommend using a hand towel or something over your hand, just in case it shatters (it shouldn’t but better to be safe than sorry).


Thanks to everyone that replied.

After following suggestions from the comments I kept pushing/pulling/twisting while covering the globe with a towel.

In the end it shattered. I was then able to unscrew it from the ceiling, as the screws were on the inside. I am now going to buy a new one and install it, preferably one that has screws so I can open it easily

it turns. believe me, it is just somewhat stuck.

Lighting professional here. We call these “one way fixtures”.
Meaning once they’re installed? That’s all you get. They click into place and may God help you if/when you need to remove it. In fact, some of these have ” permanent” light bulbs in them so they never have to be serviced. They simply under-volt a beefy led chip and they usually will literally never burn out.

Good luck. I wish I could help you. Push up, twist, pull down and twist…. One of those maneuvers will open it for you.

the glass unscrews from the plastic base, turn anti clockwise

Hammer will open it

If there are no screws, then it unthreads like a lightbulb probably

It may be on spring clips and just pull down

It will turn

It’s probably gunked up. Try harder to twist.
Twist it back and forth to try to loosen it up.

Use a hair dryer to warm it up or some dish liquid in a spray bottle

I think it turns, too. But just in case, try to pull it down, sometimes these things are holding on springs

When in doubt, try using a persuasion tool (aka hammer)

Flip the breaker and use a bat. I imagine you’re looking to replace it with something from post 1970 and not builder grade. JK. Tea towel and a turn should work.

Used to have one that looked exactly like this. Turn the glass anti clockwise. In another comment, hair dryer is a great tip.


I hate those stupid lights.

Electrician here. When I encounter this situation I have had success holding a contractor trash bag (thicker to prevent glass cutting it) up to the ceiling around the light and hitting the trash bag where the globe is with a hammer. I have had to do it 2 times and it worked out both times.

Cue jokes about how many (fill in the blank) it takes to change a light globe. This one deserved the how many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb joke. It just takes one therapist, but the lightbulb has to really want to change.

if i managed to take it off how do i get it back on?

Wow that looks beautiful I never seen a light like that before 🥰😍

It’s a very old one but you can just turn it just don’t use all force

Hammer. Then get a new light

The Mysterious Case of the Screwless Globe Light Fitting: A Step-by-Step Guide to Opening

Have you ever encountered a light fitting that seems to defy all logic and reason? A globe light fitting, to be specific, that has no visible screws and refuses to budge when you try to turn it? You’re not alone! Many of us have found ourselves in this frustrating situation, wondering how to open the globe light fitting without causing damage or losing our sanity.

Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to demystify the process of opening a screwless globe light fitting. With these simple steps, you’ll be able to access the bulb and enjoy a brighter, more radiant space.

Step 1: Inspect the Globe Light Fitting

Before you start tinkering, take a closer look at the globe light fitting. Check for any small notches, tabs, or clips that might be holding it in place. These subtle features can be easy to miss, but they’re crucial to understanding how the fitting works.

Step 2: Gently Twist and Pull

Now, try twisting the globe light fitting gently while pulling it away from the ceiling or wall. This might require some patience and persistence, but it’s essential to apply the right amount of force. You’re aiming to dislodge the fitting from its mounting mechanism without applying too much pressure, which could damage the surrounding material.

Step 3: Look for Hidden Clips or Latches

As you twist and pull, pay attention to any hidden clips or latches that might be holding the fitting in place. These can be tiny and easily overlooked, but they’re designed to keep the globe light fitting secure until you’re ready to access the bulb.

Step 4: Apply a Little Bit of Force (Carefully!)

If the globe light fitting still refuses to budge, you might need to apply a bit more force. However, be cautious not to apply too much pressure, which could damage the fitting or surrounding material. Instead, try wiggling the fitting back and forth while applying gentle pressure. This should help dislodge it from its mounting mechanism.

Step 5: Access the Bulb

Once you’ve successfully opened the globe light fitting, you should be able to access the bulb. Remove the bulb and replace it with a new one, if necessary. Make sure to follow proper safety precautions when handling electrical components.

Tips and Tricks

  • Always turn off the power to the light fixture before attempting to open it.
  • Use a soft cloth or cloth gloves to avoid scratching the globe light fitting or surrounding material.
  • If you’re still having trouble opening the globe light fitting, consider consulting the manufacturer’s instructions or contacting a professional electrician.
  • To prevent future difficulties, consider labeling the globe light fitting with its specific opening mechanism (e.g., "Twist and Pull" or "Gently Wobble").

By following these simple steps, you should be able to open your screwless globe light fitting without causing damage or frustration. Remember to be patient, gentle, and methodical, and you’ll be enjoying a brighter, more radiant space in no time!

How do I open this globe light fitting? There are no screws and it doesn’t turn

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