This is currently what Florida looks like.

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Well, the price of my orange juice is going to sky rocket.

They need to get out and drive in the snow while they have the chance

Lol, Most of Florida is not like this right now

Do they even have snowplows in Florida?

Strange, I expected more meth

It’s what a very small portion of Florida looks like. This is an area up on the panhandle near the border of Alabama/Mississippi.

Why didn’t they just draw the clouds to go around Florida??

They really dropped the ball in marketing when they settled on warning us about “global warming.”

They should have called it “global fucked the weather up.”

Which part of Florida

Uhoh, Hell literally is freezing over yall.

*Laughs in Winnipeg* but only briefly because it’s -32C (-26F) here and too cold to breathe too quickly 😭

So…Hell has finally frozen over?

That’s because you live in Southern Georgia 🤣 We’re good in Central Florida and in South Florida they’ve already forgotten it’s winter.

Get the sharpie! Get the Sharpie !

Meanwhile we’re having the warmest winter I’ve ever experienced in Alaska. I’m outside in a t-shirt in January and there’s like no snow at all. Looks like spring.

Just to be clear, this is a first strike from Canada. We control the weather.

Parts of Florida look like that, yes. But only parts.

Fake news. I was told that climate change cant exist in Florida. Probably just a bunch of salt blew in from the ocean. /s just in case

Where in Florida is this? The panhandle?

So it finally froze over. Something ridiculous must have happened recently

Queue the “what about global warming?!” Folks who don’t realize that ironically, out of place weather events are literally a symptom of shifting climate trends.

What a fun timeline.

I live in NH and I’m guilty of schadenfreude.

Cocaine problem really getting out if hand

We will trade you for -40c and pissed off badgers. Even if it means we gotta take gators and Florida man. Not moving south though, you all gotta send that warm weather up here somehow.

No way. Right now I’m in Miami and I don’t see any snow!

So, Florida currently has more snow than we do in Alaska.

Panhandle of Florida ***

Well, it’s official. Hell has frozen over.

Wait… did hell freeze over?

So, hell froze over?

I think Hell froze over since the new President took over.

I live in Alaska, this is literally more snow on the ground than where I am.

Yay for climate destabilization

That… is… wild.

That’s a lot of cocaine.

Good thing your new “president” is signing orders to ignore this!

This is in the northern part, Tallahassee, Jacksonville and the like.

Orlando gets 50’s and rain, Miami is 80º and drier.

Gulf of America has colder water than the gulf of Mexico!

*typo mistake

But I just got fed an ad from some smarmy broker saying this doesn’t happen down there…thank god I saw this in time to get my deposit back harrumph

Remember, it’s climate CHANGE not global warming 🤘

I remember when this happened back in ’88. It was a disaster. I-10 and I-75 were closed in N Florida for a week. I was home from college. Cars in ditches EVERYWHERE. I drove my old Ford Maverick, bald tires and all, back and to from work (Walmart didn’t close.) Even tho I was a native Floridian, had no issues, just had to use common sense, an asset many were Missing.

PSA for Florida Man: ITS NOT COCAINE

All the people saying it’s not snowing because it’s not snowing where they are lol. It’s almost like Florida is actually a big state and not just one place where one person lives.

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