r/NormMacdonald deleted this so I’m posting it here

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the “kragley schrangley” guy?

I don’t wanna be controversial or nothing, but that Nazi stuff…I myself don’t care for it.

Norms sub sometimes has straight up nonhumorous unironic racism in it. I know Norm was fairly right wing but the subreddit can be disgraceful

The Norm sub is full of people that do not and will never get Norm Macdonald and his humor.

The hypocrisy is the worst part.

The Norm Macdonald sub has been a mess for a long time. Just a bunch of neckbeards there.

I posted something similar on that sub and got banned lol his fans know he thinks Hitler was a real jerk right??

Reminds me of that tragedy

I didn’t know r/NormMacdonald deleted stuff.

Norm Macdonald subreddit is a hellhole. They will delete any of Norm’s criticisms of Trump and try to pretend like Norm was somehow a fan despite referring to him as a clown and worried that what if “instead of a clown saying these things you had someone with real charisma like reagan or clinton” saying those things.

It is a shitshow that got taken over by right wing moderators who will delete posts and ban people. You know, the free speech absolutists.

I feel like this was an intentional distraction to get the media to forget that the previous day Trump admitted Elon and him rigged the election. Just my thought since the media isn’t covering his confession anymore and are focused on this.

Agent provocateur!

Of course they did lol right wing cucks are so brittle

Don’t let anyone try to excuse this or say it’s an accident or unintentional. Here it is side by side with others:




Elon Braun

😂 Germany declared war [pause] on THE WORLD! Miss your comedy Norm

One of my favourite stand up bits

“The more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him”

Small ass hands

I love Norm, but that sub is a cesspool of stupid ass conservatives posting racist shit half the time.

The Norm sub has taken strange right wing shift. Not surprised they deleted this. 

I suppose Norm was conservative but he was never overtly political. 

Norm subreddits been overrun with red pillers that use Norms style of humor to just be offensive without a point. Sad. Rip to the goat.

You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.

Sharing! 🤗Watch how fast fb will delete this.

You guys know Norm MacDonald is dead right?

Glad you’re sharing it here!

The more I learn about Hitler… he seems like a real jerk!

Nothing about Elon says buff, dude has no gains

The worst part is the hypocrisy

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