The job still gets done

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Bottom way is the right way.

A true mark of psychopathy is somebody who strains the pasta like the top image this is a scientific fact brought to you by Google.

I drain noodles by moving the pot lid enough to let water escape but not enough for the pasta to get out and then just pour it down the sink. One less dish to wash.

The fools don’t even use the starchy pasta water to bring more body to the sauce

The real crime is burning yourself on the pot straining pasta without cooking gloves

Chief Gordon Ramsay would be crying right now

I see the top ending with ordering pizza as soon as the steam burns your hand and you spill the pasta in the sink.

You’ve never experienced real cooking (poverty style) until you use a plate over the top to strain the water out then you wash the plate while the meal is cooling and eat off the straining plate.


Sure, but i dont have a big pool of water at the bottom of my plate and soggy ass pasta.

You’re supposed to remove pasta from the pot for a few minutes until pot cools anyways. If you don’t do it, pasta will keep cooking from heat of the hot pot, release more gluten, and that’s what makes it stick together after it cools down. If you remove it from the pot until it cools, and mix it with some oil while still in the strainer – any excess of oil you might accidentally add will just exit through strainer, but enough stays to make it nice and separated from each other

I used to put a big chef knife on top of the pot and strain the pasta like that.
Burned my hads a few times but it was pretty simple.
Now I just use a strainer because it’s safer that way

Pots are definitely designed to only be held by half the provided handles.


Whatever is happening in the top pic is not how you strain pasta lol

Top burns hands with steam

Mfers that do it the second way feel the same because you can’t fit as much pasta in the pot if you do it the first way

The correct way is to move the pasta straight from the water into your sauce by way of a spider strainer or similar. The second best way is the lower picture after reserving a cup of pasta water first in case you need it for the sauce. 

I have no idea when the top picture method would ever be the best way to do it.

Just drink the water

Turn it into “Italian Ramen” and skip that step

I just use whatever tool I’m using to stir my pasta with.

once pasta is done cooking put the pot lid back on but leave it open a crack, then just pour the water through that crack, no need to use a colander, no extra dish.

Neither, my pan just have that thing built-in.

Going to look silly when your hand slips and all your pasta pours out into the sink.

Why yall wastin that pasta water

I’ve never seen anyone drained pasta like the top picture. How much pasta do you have in the pot ? 4 fettuccine noodles?

jokes on you, i don’t use the strainer. I use the pot lid >:)

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