Can we please ban Twitter/X Links?

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comment image?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=403bdd1e350444fbd18a3babc62ed6d52f79b226

Should have been a rule like that on all of the subreddits a long time ago, in my opinion, but yes

r/newjersey already banned X links.

TBH I thought they already were, LOL.


Do it

Several subs I belong to have already done this.

i just love how no one gives a shit about this. the most powerful and richest man on the planet is a literal nazi, but the only people mad about it are us folks who can’t do anything real about it. fun times. FUn times

Yeah, I’m all for it. Ban that goose stepping bullshit.

Please ban them. We don’t support Nazis here.

People keep forgetting he grew up on the privileged oppressing side of apartheid.

comment image?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc30fbda455e2921ef6d1b8bcd1ea352d4212e8e

Eveytime i see this face and the video i feel like i want to punch him in the face
comment image?width=693&format=png&auto=webp&s=8220b2322093bfe5fded0322e4d7563390454e99

Facebook too!

Quite a few subs, and even larger subs have been banning the links. I’d be in favor of blocking those links here too.

r/fuckcars reporting in. The vote in there looks like it’s gonna be a ban on all twitter links

Ban it.


Fuck the salute why the fuck does he have so much contempt on his face when throwing that shit out?

That don’t look like a happy fella

You guys are forgetting it’s just a Roman salute /s

Delete X.

Do it.


Anyone else fear the repercussions? Fully support this but idk


Let’s do it



Yes please

I had requested this to all my subs, and also suggested a poll of they have difficulty deciding to ban. Some replies are saying they don’t want to stop channel growth by not letting content creators share from X. I do not agree with this as it gives anti semitism a free pass by not standing against it.


Yesssss please!

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