Shall we join the wave of subreddits banning Twitter/ links?

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Unless we are Nazi supporters, we should avoid supporting Nazis, maybe?

It’s not a fucking joke, unfortunately.

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Make it so.



Not that they pop up here often, but yes

Absolutely yes

Nazi Musks Fuck Off! (Yes.)


Kirk would have punched Elon right in the mouth. Also, no Instagram or TikTok either, please. 


Aye Captain!

I’ve had 4 different Twitter accounts in the past, one of them very active (new posts on a daily basis). The moment Elon took over, I INSTANTLY deleted all 4 handles and have been ignoring the platform ever since. I absolutely HATE this person, from the bottom of my heart. What he did during that speech would’ve gotten him into a LOT of trouble in my homecountry Austria, where “Wiederbetätigung” is a criminal offence!

Hear hear!

How can one be bigoted when there are so many alien babes to get with?

We need to have a no Nazis policy



Remember how you deal with Space Nazi’s. You eject them out of the airlock.

Did I miss a critical event?



Absolutely, without hesitation or question.

You know what makes this extra funny there was dozens of times when the federation was very much biggited. Their complete ban of Illrians, the whole Data is property, the way people treated the doctor and so on. But as for the question yeah ban the links.




It’s good that we learned something from “Patterns of Force”.


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“Should we”?

Long overdue.


Oh definitely. Twitter/X was always a hellsite detrimental to positive mental health and critical thinking; quite antithetical to Starfleet’s values. It would be most logical.



He was put to trial over his bigotry in his quarters. Something along the lines of *”I cannot trust Klingons…and I never will. I can never forgive them for the death of my boy.”*

10000000000000000% YES!

Yes! Ban!


Does a human play Dom-Jot?

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