This is Pamela Hemphill, a January 6th rioter, who turned down Trump’s pardon

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She wrote on X: “Taking a pardon would be taking a part of what January 6 has been trying to do which is rewrite history to say that the Capitol riot was a peaceful protest and the DOJ was weaponized against them. And I’m not going to play a part of that. It’s not true.”

This is what accountability means. This is what will lead people to both forgive her and embrace her in the end. This is what justice should look like.

Wow that is based. She actually cares about the law and realizes she was misled.

And the only rioter that probably deserves one.

Sadly, only one J6er had a conscience.

Kinda patriotic in a way

Pam, I like your style– in morality and fashion.


A diamond amongst the scum.

I have a question. So Donald Trump claimed that the majority of J6er’s were bad actors and ANTIFA right? (We know that’s not true) But by virtue, is he pardoning ANTIFA and bad actors according to his previous logic?

I know Republicans won’t make these connections, but just a thought.

In another thread, it was mentioned that she was already released, so she isn’t accepting “extra” jail time.

The pardon wouldn’t remove the felony from her record, so it wouldn’t help this (~60-ish yo) as far as employment and such.

I believe that she’d regain the right to buy, sell and transport guns, so I guess she might be giving that up (though unclear whether she has any desire to own guns anyways).

She’d regain the right to hold state/local offices, but again, if she has no desire for that, then it means little)

She’d regain the right to vote… but if Trump is still “her guy” anyways, then she got it and the man himself said once he’s elected we won’t have to vote again, so that might not matter either.

I appreciate when a rebel admits what they did was in fact rebel. Agree or disagree, to cower behind pardons and water down what was done that day is disingenuous.

Ironically possibly the only one of the group who actually deserves to go free 

The goal is to reform right? She’s reformed 

Forgiveness is so, so important

People can simply do the wrong thing and cannot get it back

It’s what you do after that matters too

I didn’t even know that was an option.

Damn I respect her for that.

Holy shit, a maga taking responsibility for something is rarer than a fucking unicorn.

So basically she is the one that really deserved the pardon, for understanding her mistakes and the severity of the consequences of her actions. Good for her for reaching that internal growth.

Were there other J6-er’s that did not take the deal?

Ironically making her the one J6 who deserves a pardon

Wait… A Trump supporter with a sense of accountability? Somebody study this unicorn IMMEDIATELY.

The only one of these people who actually deserve the pardon, ironically. Much respect to this lady.

“i fucked up”

You see that? Accountability.. Ill let her out for time served and 2 years probation

I mean Joe Biden pardoned people to all presidents do it, some we know of some we don’t, if the internet didn’t exist we wouldn’t know most of these people.

A hero.

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