Why don’t they post the damn videos?

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Trumpers have to stop; we have all seen the video. Just stop.

Oh plenty in the comment in those threads do, but oddly there are no replies from maga people when shown proof.

The fact they think her or Obama would do it (and that if it did, they think it wouldn’t have been all over the place) is just insane. And of course Russia

Edit- spelling

Just imagining Maga scouring the Internet for any liberal raising their arm is hilarious. It’s so pathetic and desperate.

Pretty sure they would have mentioned it before now if AOC or Harris had done a Nazi salute.

Why? Cause it wouldn’t work in their narrative

Every accusation is a confession

Mmmm the false equivalence fallacy is strongly stupid with the fascists~nazis

MAGA hitting us with those “I know you are but what am I?” arguments.

Deflect! Deflect deflect defleeeeeeeeect!

The reach is stronger than Elmo’s actual salute. Nobody is saying raising your arm to point, wave, emphasize a point is problematic. Dude went through the full fucking chest slap motion twice

This is the correct response we all need to adopt.

“Show the video.”

“You’re right, this Elon photo could have been taken out of context. Let’s watch the video.”

Refuse photos, ONLY video. Then, if you get that far, you guys can watch both the Elon video and other videos side-by-side. Watch them squirm or disappear.

The bottom image is clearly not the same thing. Her arm is level. The GOP really needs to stop trying to spin what he did. We all saw him do it. No point on lying about it.

you can’t win a troll battle with these weirdos so why get worked up about it?

Chaya Raichik, please disappear. I completely forgot you fucking existed and I think I would be a lot happier forgetting you existed, again.

Elon hasn’t come out to deny it, so there’s that.

This is about being disingenuous to hid their bullshit in plain sight. By the time MAGA is ready to publicly state “yes, we do the Nazi salute now,” it will be so normalized that it will not raise any eyebrows. Next up? Book burnings, followed by concentration camps.

Also, notice how it’s both arms. If it weren’t bad faith, these f-ers would have no faith at all.

I mean, it’s obvious AOC is making a nazi salute in public, that is well known and have been massively observed plus that is totally coherent with her politic views…

Seriously it’s crazy how that much people can vote for the orange thing and spread these kinds of retard bullshit…

A woman of color being a white supremacist makes so much sense /s

They don’t post videos cause manipulation is the point and laziness to check is what they want to exploit others and gain more and more influence, making the left seem bad.

They are manipulative af.

My friend tried to show me a whole bunch of these yesterday

I said I gave Elon the benefit of the doubt until I saw the video, now show me all the videos of these ones.

He never showed me any

You need to call them out for exactly what they are – all of them. Pathetic, Nazi-bootlicking worms who either openly support this or are too spineless to stand against it.
Every single one of them knows they are full of shit. They are all liars.

[Link](https://imgur.com/a/UQtY2AJ) to help combat this nonsense. This plus asking for a video makes them pivot to bullshit

Why do they always post pictures but never video clips of them doing said action?

Does anyone believe the shit coming out of conservative mouths anymore?

They won’t post videos because it shows that they are WRONG. I cannot handle this nonsense from these smooth-brained idiots. We all drinking Brawno yet?

Because they – Nazis – want to distract you…

They know that words matter to you…

Words do not matter to Nazis…

Stop arguing with them.

They are not serious.

They are not intellectually honest.

Do not engage with them.

If you make excuses for a Nazi you are at best a Nazi sympathizer

This seems like a tacit admission that Musk did, indeed, make a Nazi salute.

The other part of the equation is that AOCs ideology does not align with Nazis. Lol.

You don’t use the left hand silly republicans…

Always a still never a video.

Called….”Facebook research”


Show the video! All they choose to show are images of arms moving during conversation. We have video of Musk actually doing a Zig heil. I can’t believe we have to deal with this BS group of fucktards yet again.

“It wasn’t a Nazi salute!” – ok but then why are all the Nazis celebrating? And I don’t see y’all publicly asking them not to either? If Nazis were celebrating something I did, I’d be on every talk show in town distancing myself from them

It’s so weird to see the levels of gaslighting and finger pointing these chuckle fucks will go through to bend like a pretzel just to defend a nazi…

If it wasn’t meant to be a Fascist salute Onle Skum would of put out a message denying it by now, its not like he hast had the time to tweet.

They don’t link the videos because the video would invalidate their point

What Elaine did was a recognisable forceful salute. These are just gestures you nazi apologist

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