Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road founder) after being pardoned. Spent over 11 years in prison.

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Aside from everything and anything else, you must feel fucking invincible to be released from prison when you thought you’d be there till death

For anyone interested, Casefile does an excellent job providing in depth analysis of this case in their three part overview.

[Silk Road Pt. 1](

Holy shit this is actually wild.

He got sentenced to two life sentences without the possibility of parole.

Joe Exotic punching the air right now

Imagine if only this mf holded some of his btc all this time in jail… wait

This like the end of Cabin in the Woods.

It will be interesting to see if Silk Road 3.0 emerges after

I bet Trump knows absolutely zero details of his case.

After the dust from that one settles, I would seriously like to read a book he writes about the overall experience. Has he done one yet?

How much bitcoin is it estimated he possesses?

Y’all ready to order some coke and hookers on DoorDash?

Glad to see they still give you a souvenir plant on the way out

The crypto he has is insane I bet. And 11 years to think about what to do lol.

WTF – he’s out the next day, but Leonard Peltier still has to wait until next month?

I spent 11 years in jail and all I got was this lousy house plant.

Looks like he was in the presidential suite

This guy tried to hire a hitman for a quarter of a million dollars to murder six people to keep his “innocent” website operating.

Edit: I may have (inadvertently) misconstrued some things, by making it sound like this is what he was in prison for. He served no time for this alleged act. However, my main point in this comment is that many people seem to think he’s a modern day Robin Hood. I was trying to point out he wasn’t necessarily a benevolent internet hero who deserves worship. Maybe 11 years in prison was enough, maybe not.

I like his plant 🪴

Obvious plant

A federal judge in New York found it likely he commissioned at least five murders-for-hire to try to cover up that he was the Silk Road founder. He was indicted for another murder-for-hire in a federal court in Maryland but it was dropped after he was sentenced to double life in prison in the first trial.

Trump just brought him into the billionaire’s club to sit at the table with his other leeches of billionaire friends

I’m not too familiar with what he did, but this pardon is the least worrying to me. Literal seditious conspiracy was just made legal and violent extremists given pardons and probably a blank check from the trump administration.

Tough on drugs, huh don?

The reason Ross received such a brutal sentence was to scare anyone else from making their own Silk Road. Not because of the drugs, but because the government didn’t get a cent of the $90 billion that passed through the website.

He’s got coins stashed in an unknown wallet, that man is out to ball out. Swears

I thought his 2 life sentences plus 40 years was ludicrous.

He’s a very lucky man. I had no issue with his drug site but not his alleged hitman for hire crazy shit.

I’d rather buy online than from a street gang. He taught the world a valuable lesson, people who want their drugs should source them from safer places if they can’t get help quitting at that time.

It’s ironic that the war on drugs was created by the USA and they’re the same people funding it, it’s a massive money portal.

So Trump did a jail break so he could team up with another billionaire felon, right? Like assembling the fucking Suicide Squad.

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