Facing the storm head on

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Funny to think that the only thing she said was “please be kind to others, help those in need”, and everyone in the Republican party is asking for her head.

And orange boy wants her to apologize…for pleading…for asking for mercy. For standing up for those who don’t have a voice.

There may come a time when this “so-called leader” begs for mercy, and if it were left up to me, I’d have the most selective hearing ever. Same goes for any of his ilk.

We’re at a point where this person has to fear for her life now because she told an infamously hateful person to be compassionate in their role of RUNNING THE FUCKING COUNTRY.

Perfectly normal behavior. I’m sure I’ll get some kind of “dur what about” in response from someone who is okay with this.

Trump hates her so by default she is wonderful. That was one hell of a lashing she gave him and he does not care one iota

Iโ€™ve been scrolling and scrolling and not a single comment mentions her name. Who is this?

Trump didn’t even realize she was talking about him until he got home & Fox told him to be mad about it.

All she did was preach love, kindness and compassion. If you’re against that well… You’re on the other side I guess.

Iโ€™m not really into churches & religion (former catholic). But her speech was spot-on what I believe Christianity should be like. She was not harassing anyone or threaten anyone. She was asking for mercy. Reminding of the millions lives which will be affected. and now sheโ€™s a target? Thatโ€™s f-ed up!

Sorry for all of the millions of Americans who have to endure this shit. for the next years ๐Ÿ˜ž

She has a bigger pair than the target of her criticism.

A true christian fears absolutly nothing.

Iโ€™m an atheist but agree with all points she made (aside from God) – and Trump said her sermon was not exciting. Hypocrite at its finest.

A true Christian right there.

Well done to her for not bending the knee.

I hope she is safe

Conservatives are demanding religious leaders suppress their views in fealty to state leaders.

Female priest pleads for mercy.

Deport her.

Male football player says women should be in the kitchen.

Hero of free speech expressing his faith.

Trump is the kind of person that thinks he could make a deal with Jesus

She has more courage than any elected member of the American Nazi Party.

GOP loves to wave the bible, but they hate to read or follow it.

Watching a woman of the cloth make trump squirm was really satisfying.

May God bless and protect her everywhere she goes. What a brave, powerful and faithful leader. ๐Ÿฅฐ

I cannot engage with any video or news story that talks about Trump right now for mental health reasons. But, I am curious to know what she said… Could someone nutshell it for me please?

Dear Mr. Trump


What’s funny is she said NOTHING radical. But they are so desperate to paint it that way. Just like Jan 6 was a peaceful protest lol

She serves someone higher than the potus.

Excellent speech. The looks on the heathens faces while she speaks were priceless.

God bless this woman. A true Christian and a true American

Trump and co. all look scared and defiant when she spoke. I used to think Tiffany may not be a lost cause until I saw her smug ass expression as this brave lady preached. WAY TO GO BISHOP!!!

Apologize??? FU Trump!

Sometimes its hard to sit an hear the truth. The orange buffoon defiantly does not like it when people speak the truth to him.

Its hurts his feelings, yet he can say the most horrible things to people and just smirk.

His emotional intelligence is nonexistent.

Already Person of the year 2025!

she gave him more empathy than he deserved. when you have to listen to a bishop beg a president to be kind, thatโ€™s when you know youโ€™re in the bad timeline!!

Join the rank of American heroes Bishop!

I love how *this* is the person MAGA is threatened by.

A woman triggered trump, Vance, and the cult – you go girl๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‘

I don’t want to “dox” her directly but FYI if you google her you can easily find contact info as she is a public figure. I sent her a note letting her know how much it meant to me, and that she seems like a wonderful Christian. We should make sure to show our support to all of the people who are standing up for dignity and compassion, because I guarantee they are receiving vast amounts of hate already.

Sheโ€™s the kind of Christian that my Great Grandfather was.

I spent the night fantasizing about how the entire oligarchic crew would have looked and acted after being shoved into the ovens and told to strip naked.
Morbid but satisfying.

Protect this lady at all costs.

I’m usually very critical or the church and organised religion in general but she was a fucking beast. Vance was looking to the woman next to him in outrage and she was nodding to agree with the speech. Trump was like a fucking toddler who was disgruntled about getting told off.

Massive respect and thank you for your voice.

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