Surely y’all support this too. We gotta be better than New Jersey.

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I suggest some having conniption fits about Musk, to go and ask a number of Jews….not “cultural Jews” but Jews who attend synagogue on a regular basis.

Then, let your mind “expand” by looking at the actions of Elon Musk.

He actually visited the sites of the genocide on Oct 3rd, 2023. He was horrified at what happened there.

He has absolutely supported the Jewish people.

And as a Jew, myself…I totally know that that man is not antisemitic.

And antisemitism is absolutely one of the main tenets of Naziism. No one has forgotten the Holocaust

10/10 mod here. Thank you!

Time to leave this Seattle Reddit for the better one 💀 byeeeeeeee

comment image?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=edb904e3563c4750364669bd2527b5cdfc6284c5

But THIS is (D) different

bunch of cry babies holy fuck 😭😭😭 just don’t click the fucking link

Hope you’ll do the same when someone raise the left fist.

Rolling stone article lol 😂 good lord get your self some reliable sources

New Jersey > You fucking clowns

Who hurt this mod? Lol.

No one is better than New Jersey

No. People have free will to not engage with things they dont like. Reddit leftist copium coming out in full force with the ‘N*zi’ name calling though lmao. Crazy how seattle itself is filled with mostly people who act just like redditors, that will believe any article at face value as long as it reassures their hardcore progressive opinions.

so, its most reddit going to “ban” x content and pretty much become the new twitter operated by the left?

Someone belonging to 3+ marginalized groups is going to make a post claiming that banning X links harms their ability to cross post their GoFund me links, and 75% of the people in this thread are going to immediately walk back their opinion on this.

Just coming in to say, you wish you better that New Jersey!

Ah the far left echo chamber that is Reddit. Only free speech on their terms. Liberal politician does a hand wave it’s ok. Right wing it’s a nazi solute. The far left clings to everything they can to gain some form of moral superiority.

* Alleged nazi salute ❌
* Sympathizing with a terrorist organization and country that actually wants to wipe out Jews ✅

Not Evan the right salute, move on.

I’ll be unfollowing. See you in r/seattle


And this is why I only follow r/Seattle, where nazi sympathizers are immediately banned. Thanks for letting me know what kind of sub you are 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

Why is everyone looking into this so deep 🤣🤣🤣🤣 these people are crazy.😄🤣🤣

I suggest everyone return (or maybe burn, drown, etc.) their Tesla car and buy a petrol car or one of the VW’s ID-model as a sign of protest…

Wow who knew Seattle Washington was a Nazi safe haven? Crazy.

Free gaza (stupid af) but fuck hitler? Use your damn head

The Spokane reddit banned X/ Twitter links but Seattle won’t!?!?!?

This world is shit upside down LOL!

Ban X links now!!!

I love Seattle but being jealous of N.J. is not a good look for you.

When my territory expanded to include PNW I thought Seattle reminded me of New Jersey.

You’re both good places. No need for the hate and jealousy.

It was a roman salute from our new autistic over lord leave him alone, Obama Biden, and the lady who lost all have similar images of themselves.

Sure do. Include her also. Just becasue you catch people in a freeze frame, they’re not Nazis.
comment image?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ba9865fb63549d95f1230c642841a98034edd6


Get your fucking head out of your ass.

“Godless Freaks” is a violation of rule 2

Keeping cancel culture alive. The same antisemites calling for an “Intifada revolution” now want to ban X because they are so insulted (on behalf of Jews) for the way Elon jumped. Get a life.

The other Seattle subreddit is better anyways. They also actually had the balls to take a stance against the Nazi.

There are only three possibilities with his act:
1-He believes in nazi ideology. Maybe, especially based on his support of neo-nazi people in Europe.
2-He is ignorant of the act and thinks it’s something different. Haha!
3-He is trying to trigger people. This seems most likely to me. He enjoys the controversy even if it’s about nazi-ism and him. He is narcissism defined.

I feel like we don’t need to ban links to twitter because of this specifically, he has done many other things to demonstrate ignorance besides this one. And I really don’t want to give this guy any more attention. His platform is going to disappear regardless of what this tiny corner of the internet does.

I’ve seen the video. No amount of explanation can mask the intent.

Wait… do people actually think he was doing a nazi salute? Ffs man it’s really easy to watch the actual video for context.

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