Many such cases.

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I love how ppl try to justify it by saying it was a symbol of giving his heart or a Roman salute, to which I say does that facial expression match either of those narratives? That is hate on his face during a Nazi salute

This is the best way to use it, flood X with posts of him doing a Sieg Heil

Since it’s not a Nazi salute, I hope he feels free do to it again and again. You know, cuz it doesn’t mean anything.

Idiot thinks he can be as fascist as he wants now that his man slave won the presidency.

I saw an out of touch crybaby oligarch who pays other people to play video games for him for bragging rights do a god damned Nazi salute twice to a crowd of cheering people who ostensibly support Nazis. Pretty damn apparent what happened.

We all saw it Elon, you dumb fuck.

Elon’s grandparents were Nazis in Canada. He also openly promotes and supports Nazis on Twitter and can’t shut up about immigrants replacing white culture.

Elon is a Nazi and doesn’t care who knows it because he’s above the law. Why is this up for debate?

When the simulation glitches and satire feels too real

“Don’t be stupid, be a smarty! Come and join the Nazi Party!” Elon Musk

Don’t let them tell you it wasn’t a Nazi Salute.

[Literally the same **as Hitler**.](

Who you gonna believe? Me or your lyin’ eyes?

Seeing is believing in this chaotic mess.

He’s such an embarrassing loser.

Elon is garbage. Cabbage.

lol I’ve seen so many people say “well actually that’s not exactly the nazi salute since his palm wasn’t facing the right way. Homie literally tried to do it with the same gumption as an ss soldier like WHAT

To all who are justifying this gesture – I dare you to do it in public tomorrow.

Luigi the Elon

Luigi the felon


Yup he done told on himself. Believe people when they show you who they truly are.

Are they still standing back and standing by?

Why are we continuing to use Xitter? The same posts can be found on many other sites.

Anyone still using the Nazi platform should not be platformed, whether what they say is accurate or not.
Most will cross post to their other accounts.

I see a fat gorilla who learned how to do the nazi salute. And I believe it.

i’m either a nazi, or i have atrocious judgement. probably both though

Very clever comeback

Ah yes, believe what you see, school of deepfake appreciation. Classic

ironic. since he is shown doing the salute twice in the video.

The idea of believing half of what you see and none of what you hear has served me well. I think everyone should reach their own conclusions with that in mind.

Anything else is influenced and not of your own thought process. Trust yourself more than anyone else.

Tesla getting a new name TE⚡️⚡️la

Looks like a duck … walks like a duck … sounds like a duck … must be a duck.

Nazis are inherently cowards, they will never admit what they are when either they are alone or when money or reputation is on the line. They will ALWAYS play in naievete and expectations of normalcy.

And in the end it doesn’t even matter if he is or isn’t (he 100000% is) because he is constantly supporting right wing extremist, often outright nazi groups and agendas. That we even keep playing this game is insane. Look at who he’s supporting in Germanys political sphere ffs, known supremacists who literally want to rewrite their history and call that time period a wash compared to the ‘thousands of years of upright German history’.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, votes like a duck, supports others who are quintessentially ducks and invests into organizations who want to spread even more duck propaganda we need to even ask the question on whether he could possibly be a goose?

Glad to see the majority of people are calling this out for what it is, it should be everyone but given who just got in I’m not surprised people want to bury their heads in the sand after they voted for the other duck.

Was not told. I saw.

Nah, you misjudged the situation, It was an expression of enthusiasm.

Mr. “Free Speech” isn’t gonna like this

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