Sinkhole opened in Cornish backyard, leading 300ft down into a medieval mineshaft

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This happens all the time in Cornwall – usually the mines are a bit newer (1700s to 1900s), but Cornwall has more holes in it than a Swiss cheese.

Given the depth and size of the shaft, it might be worth considering installing a geothermal heat pump, as it could supply an entire neighborhood.

ok….so they dug the mine shaft….then wanted to cover it up……did they then make a wood hole cover then put dirt on it? they obviously didn’t fill the whole thing with dirt…so how did it get covered?

there are those circles….that are drain pipes? or was that part of the cover?



Get some climbing rope and go exploring, suddenly your 700 sqft home has an extra 5000.

If life gives you a sinkhole in the backyard, turn it into a tourist attraction.

I should call her.

Imagine standing there enjoying a cup of tea in the morning… and then you’re not.

There is a story around here where I live, a mother was walking with their child many years ago.

Sinkhole opened on her, she disappeared, the child was fine

[Mystery of mum who fell 90ft into hole and was never seen again](

they dug too greedily and too deep

I would say
Extra annex increase the vallue of your property .

Basement 300ft deep with room for expasion

Perfect place to chuck those lawn chairs you’ve been meaning to get rid of

How does one go about fixing a giant backyard hole?

I wouldn’t say that’s a sinkhole that’s a mineshaft that became uncovered. Sinkholes refer more to erosion. This was man-made.

Luckyyy, I want direct access to the mines of moria. Watch out for the balrog.

metal detect down there

I really expected a “your mom” joke by now.

I live in Cornwall, this happens now and then. Mines are meant to be capped but they seem to like opening up randomly. I remember one opened in the school field where we used to play at lunchtimes, they put some cones and tape around it and posted a dinner lady there to stop the kids playing by the hole. The 80’s were wild haha.

– The kids are pretty quiet today.
– yeah, they’re playing in the backyard.

Do you like Balrogs? Becasue this is how you get Balrogs.

There’s tin in them there hills

This belongs on r/terrifyingasfuck



Personal exit to subway or at hell

The fae used to be sneaky, now they’re like “yoink bitches”

Thinking of them midieval Cornish pasties.

Invite the mother-in-law around.

Thankfully it missed the house!

Tien Shinran went too close to the house

I e got a real fear about sinkholes


Cornish game hens

That’s how my Minecraft mine exits look like.

Just going to get the washing off the line, love… ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

It’s well that became a shaft… John shaft

Not to worry. Fill it up with water, and the earths core will heat it up nicely. Voila, you have a nice hot tub.

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