It’s happening

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“I promise to gut the government!” – said repeatedly for several years.

“Honey, sounds like a GREAT time to try and get a government job!”

Imagine having to beg to ted Cruz. 🤢

I’m flabbergasted that there’s someone who actually believed that Trump cares about veterans.

**I put a firecracker in my ass and lit it! I can’t believe it actually blew up! Ohhhhh the pain is so unexpected. Please someone help!**

As a disabled vet too f this guy.

“We were not suppose to be the targets of this! Other people’s dreams were suppose to be shattered, not ours!” Fuck off baldy, your wife too.

Lol. We are entering the “find out” phase of FAFO

reminds me of recommendation letters in disbelief from jewish families directly to hitler to inform him what was going on. because of course he couldn’t know anything about it and the ss and sa were doing it without his knowledge.

“We are big trump supporters and know this was an unintended consequence”

💀💀💀💀 how do you actually convince these people that daddy trump does not give even a LITTLE BIT of a crap about them!? He could stand nearby bragging with matches and a lighter in hand while their houses burn down and they would still say it wasn’t his fault.

Trump will do just like he said on the campaign trail and what was documented in the Project 2025 manifesto.
So, you voted for your own demise, maybe after living in your car for a few months in the cold you will open your eyes.
Played like a two dollar fiddle.

They voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces party and are now crying about their face being leopard shit.

Like, girl, why did you vote for him then?

“Help! Please share!”
*No, I don’t think I will*

Ummmm … “fuck your feelings”, I guess. Reap what you sow.

I almost raised my arm to say, “My heart goes to you,” but then I saw, “WE ARE ALL HUGE TRUMP SUPPORTERS”; then I put my arm down and raised my middle finger.

John Bashsm – you are an idiot. You got exactly what you deserved. I know you thought Trump would only hurt other people and that was okay. But in this situation, it was your wife & family that got hurt. That’s okay. If it’s okay for others to be collateral damage to Trump’s policies, it’s okay for YOU to be collateral damage.

The consequence of your actions is yours alone. Suck it up.


You got what you voted for. This guy and his wife can go live in a refrigerator box under some bridge now. Fucking losers.

The “Find Out” stage is happening pretty quick for these assholes. Good.

But isn’t it just so lovely how trump loves you maga? He told you straight to your fucking face: “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote”. Tough shit fuckers.

You get what you voted for. cue Justin Timberlake’s “what goes around comes around”

John Basham is on LinkedIn, send him a message to let him know how you feel about his situation.

You can be in favor of supporting our veterans and getting them the care they deserve.

You can be a Trump supporter.

But you can’t be both.

Fuck this piece of shit and his wife. You got what you voted for, you just didn’t think Trump’s chaos would adversely affect you. Classic Republican mental illness. They can’t for a moment empathize with other people.

Shaudenfreude (sp) is a sweet nectar today.

The face eating leopards are feasting these days.

I kept telling people he doesn’t care about the USA, he only cares about money and himself, it’s just going to get worse, buckle up, the fall begins

Why is the leopard eating MY face!?

This has to be a mistake!
Please tell to comrade Stalin that we are innocent!
He would stop this if he could be aware!

I can offer thoughts and prayers

A wonderful song I’ll be singing for the next 4 years “I never thought the leopards would eat my face”

Trump feeds off people’s pain.

… “made aware” …. absolutely mindblowing

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