BREAKING NEWS: Trump’s Executive Order ending birthright citizenship has been blocked in court

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Oh I can’t wait for them to start calling Reagan a RINO.

Buckle up, Judge. You’re going to be seeing a lot of this in the next four years.

Welp that judge is going to have to fear for his life now

This next 4+ years is gonna be such a grind. Everything blocked, everything delayed, everything contested.

Please keep in mind the Trump administration deleted the constitution from the white house web site…..

Good for this judge, but this can also be a serious problem. In normal times cases only make it to scotus through the appeals process. If the Trump admin appeals and gets this to scotus, it’s pretty terrifying to think what precedent could be set

If an EO can block the 14th, and SCOTUS says it does.

Then an EO can block the 2nd just as easily.

They’ll appeal all the way to scrotus. It’s the spaghetti offense. Lots will be blocked and lots will get through.

Sadly, this Judge is going to have a horrible accident, even if it is from a Ground Floor Window.

TOS has learned a lot from his Russian Master.

Next up a temper tantrum post from Trump calling the Judge a big ole incompetent meanie head. Make a drinking game of every way Trump will butcher the Judge’s name. Or don’t. You don’t want to end up in the ER.

Republicans hate the constitution.

“Blatantly Unconstitutional Order”- Its almost like the person giving it was a traitor….

Whelp, children of non-citizens, you have until you land on SCOTUS’s docket to make your arrangements for a four year exile.

Too bad… I was really hoping to see Don jr., Ivanka, and Erik all being shipped off

Isn’t the point to get it rejected until it gets to the Supreme Court?

this is the plan. block lower courts, bring it to Supreme Court. voila. bye bye birthright citizenship.

I’m sure they’ll be shrieking that he’s a DEI plant or something before they end of the day.

Okay, and? Trump’s just going to do it anyway since the SC said he was immune from consequences.

“Deport this Marxist Deep State judge!” —FOXNews, probably

He’s gonna have such a tantrum over that.
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Duh. It’ll take a Constitutional Amendment.

“How dare the judge do something so unamerican as deny the president!” Says the side that for the last 15 years told the president to fuck off and eat shit 

Textbook unconstitutional order.

What a stupid timeline, such an insult to the people who’s families have helped build this country. Disgusting.

Off topic but our judicial system is so fucked up and a lot of our judges are so old that we still have judges that were appointed by Reagan. 🙄

That being said, I’m glad it was blocked .

The guy is like “Come on, at least TRY to make it sound even slightly legal and maybe we can work with you then.”

Wouldn’t this technically mean everyone who is not native american gets deported?

For now. 

Of course it was. No judge is going to think this was Constitutional.

Well, except for several of them that are currently on the Supreme Court. Who knows what they will do, and they will probably weigh in at some point.

As is tradition.

Make way for the Trumpstitution where only rich, white, republican, christian men are the only people who have rights.

It’ll go to the SCOTUS. I heard a law professor say that Trumps lawyers have been on this since before the inauguration and they have a pretty solid case.

The whole plan is to get this in front of the not so Supreme Court so they can ‘interpret’ the 14th amendment and take people’s right’s away

This has always been the plan. Clog the courts with lawsuits over the executive orders, while Congress passes the legislation that will be federally enforced for years before any judge sees a lawsuit on it.

Sadly it won’t be long until they get to a loyal trump judge to over turn it

Why is anybody celebrating?

What comes next is huge…I fully expect this judge to be removed, either through pressure or by an “outside” force

Don’t think that the Architects aren’t prepared for the court challenges. They absolutely have planned for this

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