My grandfather, who surely would have punched a Nazi, in 1943.

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Your grandfather was Popeye?

Lots of people in their 40s and 50s posting pics of grandpa lately.

He looks cool af.

and he was probably 17

Looks like he picked the wrong week to stop sniffin glue.

Quartermaster, right arm and a flat hat. Picture might be before ‘43.

Mother fucking Popeye!

This photo just called me and my entire family ugly

What’s going on with this pic? Something looks off.

Not saying it’s fake.

Your grandfather got swagger.

You know what, I was discussing with someone in the comments of a post on here the other day that the Navy uniforms from the 40s were a little dorky. I have been proven wrong.

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Quartermaster rating… not known much for fighting, but true sailors. Navigating assistants.

Would have?? Hell, I think he kicked a Nazi’s ass and took that sweet pipe! He was one cool looking cat!! I bet the ladies went wild for that guy! Your grandmother must have been very proud of him!

apart from looking like a bad-ass, he also looks like he would also be a psychologist to a genius college janitor, host a radio station during the Vietnam war, as well as a genie who would grant 3 wishes to a young thief in Agrabah.

This guy had two major risks during the war…German U Boats…and VD around V-E day.

he also would have beaten you with a wood plank and called you an “f” slur

That’s a good looking man right there!

Please stop flooding this sub with dumb Nazi shit.

Your grandfather who punched real Nazis and would be voting for Trump.

That’s bc he actually knew what nazis were.

Probably a royal marine or two, also.

Im pretty sure your grandpa just wanted to kill Japanese people

He probably just shelled the shit out of japs

That is a straight-up Nazi puncher if I ever saw one.

Looks like the kinda guy who eats loads of spinach

I swear to God I’ve seen the old version of this human at least a dozen times in my life

God bless

Smart phones have all but erased those types of jawlines from our species.

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