Also only member of Congress without at least a bachelor’s degree.

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Lauren Bimbert didn’t even graduate high school

Doesn’t Bobo the Fuck Monkey only have a GED?

Only *senator* without at least a Bachelor’s degree. There are a few in the House iirc.

did he just try to use bow leggednesss like it was equivalent to racism or sexism lmao i’ve never seen that before

Mark Wayne is a state embarrassment. MAGA made him a senator

Which he miraculously was approached by venture capitalist right before he announced for Senate and sold that company for 25 to 30 million dollars.

Is he claiming to be native and that he grew up on a reservation? Or the even less believable interpretation?

Not the only one at all, but yeah, in the back row, setting fire to his farts and pretending he’s Prometheus.

Born with a speech impediment? That would put him ahead of most newborns — they can’t talk at all.

Another person who doesn’t understand systemic racism, sexism, or DEI programs.

Mr bootstraps singin that tired old grifter classic…In 1997, after dropping out of school at age 20, he took over his father’s business, Mullin Plumbing and owned Mullin Properties, Mullin Farms, and Mullin Services, in addition to Mullin Plumbing. In 2012, he reported between $200,000 and $2 million in income from two of the family companies, and another $15,000 to $50,000 from shares he held in a bank.

He’s a goddamned idiot even if he had degrees. His moronic ‘defense’ of Hegseth enraged me in several ways.

Someone should absolutely investigate what it his he has done that should’ve landed him in prison, by his own admission.

Oklahoma is ranked 49th in the nation on education and it really shows.

He had $1.4M in PPP loans forgiven while having an estimated worth of $35-70M. So, if he didn’t take those loans or had to repay them, he would be worth $34-69M. But student loan forgiveness isn’t fair. DEI isn’t fair. But handouts to the wealthy are.

Take it easy on having a degree or not. I have known plenty of Americans who would make fine representatives, with only a high school diploma. Education is powerful, but we also deserve to be represented by people who embody all of the best parts of America. 

Gimme a joke!

Ah yes, the classic ‘bootstraps’ narrative—brought to you by inherited plumbing empires and barnyard humility.

I can’t look at him without remembering that he used the non existent word “questionized” during one of his rants defending some lame maga issue.

Yeah, I don’t think he lived in a barn. Granted, he exhibits many characteristics of a barn animal.

Well that’s not true. Lauren boebert doesn’t have one either.

The late unlamented Kevin McCarthy.

They repeat the lies so often that they believe them…

HIs idiot colleague Lauren Bobert (public guzzler of man yogurt) also has no college degree.

No degree is a Republicunt badge of honor.

Bowed knees? How tragic!!!

Is he Native American or am I missing something else. His ancestors were forced to live on”

Fuck you, mullin.

“…my ancestors were forced to move to…”

And still on bowed knees, sucking off an orange baboon.

Let’s talk DEI…

Living in a barn, being handed a family business & being one of the biggest imbeciles to ever walk the halls of congress does not equate to having merit.

Listen to the delusional hero fanfic these people write about themselves just so they can look down on people less fortunate than they are, jfc

$2 million dollar plumbing business.

So plumber dad just gave plumber son a license?

Can you boot strap after the hard work has been done?

It’s wild how someone can rise to such a position without even a high school diploma. It really speaks volumes about the state of politics today. Makes you wonder what else gets overlooked in the name of “qualifications.”

Y’all can have him if you want him, Oklahoma doesn’t want him anymore.

>Also only member of Congress without at least a bachelor’s degree.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing or to be looked down upon. Honestly it’s good to have people from a variety of backgrounds. both educational and socioeconomic.

To be fair, I know a lot of fucking idiots with degrees.

Fun fact: the Sooners are called that as a reference to the cheaters during land distribution, (land stolen from Natives). It’s what they called those who left prematurely during the land runs.

Only member? Does Gym Jordan have a Bachelor’s? I never would have guessed that.

Reddit being hateful as always towards people.

I did his family tree. The earliest any of his family went in 1888 and first says they aren’t native and are listed as white. I guess you aren’t supposed to question but he claims to have been on the trail of tears and it’s pretty fucked up. They got on the rolls tho eventually.

Let it be known he did not let his speech impediment prevent him from inheriting his father’s money

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