Must be something else then IDK anymore

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You want a girlfriend?

Don’t try to bend the spoon.. that is impossible

Instead, realize the truth

The only missing component is attractiveness. Don’t know you or what you look like but dressing better, going to the gym, and adding one extra step to your self care routine can often take up the slack as well as boost confidence.

Based on true story

You lack courage.

I’ll be your boyfriend

Me irl


You tool.

Your creepy

Welp time to go maga xddd

Maybe your gay lol

when you think “not beeing creepy” is all you need to do to be desirable

You can have it all and still not have a girlfriend, i realised this the hard way after being continously rejected for the last 6 years.

Accept it, i did and haven’t talked to any woman in almost a year ( not including customers or random people online in comments etc… ) but i don’t know any women personally or have any will to be looking out for one.

Im not saying you should do the same but you have to come into terms and accept your current situation until you find someone.

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