Asking customers for 100% tip is diabolical

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30% is a “soso” 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

Welcome to zero when you pull that shit.

Nah, fuck that. Custom > 0%

I love to tip but if I saw those options (30% being the lowest) then I’m hitting custom and selecting 0%

A lot of places used to have 15, 18, 20 and I’d do 20 all the time. 

I’ve noticed a few are now going 18, 25, 30 so they’re only getting 18 from me. Way to screw yourself. 

they *start* at 30?? American tipping must be getting even more out of hand than i thought

Hitting custom so I can do 0%

1. I ALWAYS choose custom

2. I get so irritated when they think WATCHING me as I tip will make me tip more, so I tip less. Bc shut up. You don’t *scare* me Bricksleigh

With this attitude they are asking for 0%

Especially for takeout.


lol 30% is “soso”

OP, which place is this?

*Custom* button must have a thick layer of finger oil.

Tipping is no longer about good service, it’s straight up just charity.

Someone should tell them Geico could save them 15% or more on car insurance.

Sorry but that goes beyond the vendor’s problem at that point. It’s a dare.

If a customer selects that option, I have no sympathy for you, you have simply chosen the “I’m dumb” option.

Writing “soso” on 30% is getting that custom button tapped.

Fake AF

This is when you click custom and put in 0. Starting at 30% is a joke. Well joke on you now you get 0.

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From Europe With Love

Custom, then try -10% as a penalty for being obnoxious.

This shit reminds me of when you go to those Chinese buffets and the waitress will stand and watch you as you sign the receipt and tip amount.

But they said “thank you!”

Asking customers for ~~100%~~ **any** tip is diabolical.

This is a big reason why I’ve had to become selective with where I eat and how I order. If you’ve ever ordered online from chipotle, you know first hand that if you don’t tip, they give you the smallest burrito they can make. The only way to get the normal size is to order in store and pay after.

Worst part of it is that the waitress may not even get the tip 💩

I’m a 15-25% tip kinda guy

I see 30 percent I tip 0. Stop being greedy. 10 percent is good. 👍

That’s when you hit custom and give $0

been 15% since the 70s. i can custom 0% if you pull this bs.

> Hits custom button

> Waiter looks on with eager anticipation

> Five bucks, bitch.

Tipping feels like aggressive pan handling now. I was a server many times over the years. I didn’t concentrate on who tipped what. I enjoyed my work, and I appreciated the generous amount of my tips at the end of my shift. I disagree with the rated tip machines now; the added pressure for some insecure souls may be swayed to tip more.

This is so annoying. I hate punishing the employee because they didn’t set the machine. I wish that employers would pay living wage.


Calling a 30% tip SOSO is more diabolical imo.

Where is this at? I feel like this must be a prank or staged. Cuz it’s absolutely wild.

Custom > tap 0

lol I ain’t tipping 30% anywhere at all.

If I gotta fuck around with that BS you ain’t getting a tip.

I gave a 100% tip on exactly one occasion. It was mid-December so I was probably in the holiday spirit. My server engaged with me in exactly the right rhythm, so I never felt I was waiting for service, but also didn’t feel pressed. The only part of the dining that didn’t feel relaxed was hearing the server for the group next to me. He was the overbearingly verbose type, as if his serving was the entertainment for the evening. The contrast between the type of server I had and the type I don’t want was enough to make me generous. In the end, her tip from me was probably close to what he got from the group.

30% tip is “so so”?


I realized when I pay cash, I am never asked to tip (at to-go places, not sit down dining). Now I pay cash.

as a bartender who lives on tips, if I was presented with this, they’d get a custom 0%

30% is SOSO? How about 0%? What does that get me?

0%. Perfect.

Where’s the “you suck” option then?

Holy shit, the commentary…. That would seriously irk me with those percentages..

If I see that dumb shit, custom 0% go fuck yourself it is.

Custom: 1%

Speed running how to get no tips at your restaurant

Holy crap, what is this place so I never go there

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