When the teacher’s group project rules turn you into the accidental king of the popular squad—awkward but winning at life! Last updated: January 24, 2025 3:04 pm By beattheheat05 Share Memes 5 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 5 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Temporary_Tune5430 1 month ago Ya, but now you’re stuck doing all the work. SpookyStrike 1 month ago Has anybody ever noticed that these supposedly “hot” women are wearing what are essentially granny panties? Draftiest_Thinker 1 month ago Honestly, this happened to me once, but it was quite pleasant! They were procrastinators for sure, but so was I. I got to meet a new side of them I barely knew, and they were very nice to me. I understand it was an exception, but I quite liked it. AuroraDuskCharm 1 month ago and then one of the pretty girl says: lets meet at my house and do the work together  Saif_Horny_And_Mad 1 month ago That would be the worst possible outcome since you’ll be doing all the work alone SearchSearchRecent PostsTake your interview preparation seriously Our Moen Stainless Showerhead is starting to rust. What’s the best was to remove the rust and protect it from happening again?? Chill voices from a chill guy Who the hell would do that?! Looking at my winter body like… Recent Comments
Ya, but now you’re stuck doing all the work.
Has anybody ever noticed that these supposedly “hot” women are wearing what are essentially granny panties?
Honestly, this happened to me once, but it was quite pleasant!
They were procrastinators for sure, but so was I. I got to meet a new side of them I barely knew, and they were very nice to me.
I understand it was an exception, but I quite liked it.
and then one of the pretty girl says: lets meet at my house and do the work together

That would be the worst possible outcome since you’ll be doing all the work alone