It’s happening

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If not Project 2025, then why Project 2025 shaped hmmmm?

So that means Obama can come back and run again? Slaughtered doesn’t even come close to how bad trump would lose.

Running for a third term suggests there’ll be elections in the future which is by no means certain.

In 4 years, Trump won’t be able to form complete sentences. Today’s incoherence will be total gibberish in a few years.

MMW, Vance will run for reelection in 2028.

And there it is. Dictatorship.

I’m not surprised he told Christians, when he was campaigning, they would never have to vote again! This was all planned!

And republican smooth-brains will still say they’re joking, we’re being alarmist, or it isn’t real 🤦‍♂️

Let’s give the old fart a third term but omg Biden is way too old to govern. Wtf

Trump vs. Obama 2028.

This is just suck up posturing. They can pass this bill 100 times but it changes nothing. It’s set forth in the constitution so unless there are 33 states that are also onboard it don’t t mean shit.

If this shit starts really going down; and all signs indicate it will; I predict a mass exodus of Americans fleeing this country. I’m certainly starting to ponder the idea myself cuz I refuse to live under a right wing dictatorship.

Over 11,000 amendments have been proposed in american history, only 27 have been ratified. By design, it is very difficult to pass a new amendment. Alot of what this guy does is meant to outrage his opposers, i believe that most of the time its a smokescreen to distract from something else, or it’s something destined to fail in order to placate a certain faction of his voter base just so he can say that he tried and can shift the blame to another.

He literally said it, just vote a last time, then you never have to vote again….

The idea this tub of goop will be alive in even 3 years is crazy

Some bootlicker is grandstanding for attention. Not a snowballs chance the Constitution will be amended.

Trump’s EO to reinterpret a constitutional amendment (birthright citizenship) is meant to pave the way for him to stay in power.

This story is fully intended as a nonsense distraction.

Looks like it’s working.

There’s been over 50 attempts to repeal the 22nd amendment, they’ve all failed in spectacular fashion. If you think this passes, you’re about as gullible as the people who bought Trump’s meme coin.

I love reading the absurd comments to this post. A constitutional amendment requires a ⅔ vote by the House, a ⅔ vote by the Senate, and then ⅔ of all the states must also ratify it within a specific time period. I love to have fun with crap like this too. Hey, we can elect a Donald effigy and set him up to be a hologram like Landrew in the original Star Trek. But if anyone actually thinks this is important news, then they need to get their heads out of their orifices.

This doesn’t mean shit – it’s just a move to kiss his ass – constitutional amendments need 2/3 AND state legislatures to sign off

Thinking an amendment for this would pass is where the lunacy exists. Second to that is thinking our checks and balances are so weak that we are going to collapse as a nation from Trump

I can see it now. If Trump passes away Elon will be like “Don’t worry. I (by me I mean my team but I take all the credit) backed up his consciousness into an AI. He can be president forever…. through me!”

Someone posted this on FB and the MAGA crowd immediately came in screaming “fake news!!!”.

They were shown the official statement on and said it was a fake website. Then they were shown numerous articles confirming it, including Fox News. “Feels fake” was the response.

Never thought I’d see folks try to “1984” themselves, but here we are.

That inauguration photo is truly sickening to behold.

Next stop, Monarchy

That’s what dictators do, f*ck the law and squeeze the last dollar out of the people. Well done, USA!

This is exactly what Putin did.. exactly what hitler would have done. We are speed railing towards fascism and it shows some of you guys are ignorant enough to be excited about it

It’s not happening it’s trolling. Don’t react its yet another fucking distraction to the MASSIVE grift happening or planned.

2/3 senate and house approval needed. No way dems allow that. Just a clout bill by a dumb house member who just had a school shooting 2 days ago in their district.

Narrator:  It’s not happening 

Tell us you didn’t take a civics class without telling us you didn’t take a civics class.  Conveniently, the article doesn’t mention how an amendment to the Constitution is passed and then ratified.

And then there will be 4th and 5th and…


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