I’m Sorry – Gator Days (OC)

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Generational trauma

It makes me so happy that Gustopher has such a good dad

Can he adopt Gwen please?

Man, this is so relatable. I’m going through this as I raise my kid, making damn sure she doesn’t endure what I did.

I don’t think I caught the beginning of your comics, so forgive my silly question. Is any of the comic based on your personal experiences, or are they stories you came up with?

how to make a person cry in 4 slides

I’ve always remembered this from when I was a kid.
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I’ve tried never to do that to mine, but sometimes it’s hard.

Y’know… knowing how chill Grandpa now is in these comics

I really wish Dad could tell him how whichever parent this is pops up in his head like this. I think Dad deserves that at the very least.

Happy hes grown from facing it and not shrunk away with it

It ends with him, right here, right now at this very moment

Two types of people in this world:

– “I had to go through a bunch of shit to get here, and I’m gonna make sure everyone else has to go through even more!”

– “I had to go through a bunch of shit to get here, and I’m gonna see to it no one else has to suffer through that shit again.”

Good on Gus’ dad for being the second type.

Gustopher throwing like 200 dollars down the drain.

I used to get severe anxiety anytime things were spilled or broken. I remember panicking when I spilled a measuring cup of rice I was using to make dinner. It was my rice. I wasn’t wasting anyone else food when I spilled it. I also lived alone so nobody saw me spill it and the only person that was going to need to clean it up was me. Still, I could feel my anxiety rising.

I stepped back, took a deep breath, and told myself it’s fine, it’s just rice, clean it up and measure some more.


Arrrrrggghhh my life savings!


Thank you for your comics.

Yo, this guy should adopt Gwen

This comic and Bluey make me think more about parenting than any other media. Please quit digging around in my skull and bringing back memories though!

“This cycle ends with me.”

— best Dad

There goes my PTSD.

I’m glad I found the ressources to notice and fight those toxic behaviors. I even helped a few relatives to deconstruct their unhealthy ways of unleashing their anger.

Comics like this one keep that cycle going ๐Ÿ‘

I love your comics, and this one is top tier.ย 

There are so many little details thet bring this all together. The dad’s expression in the second panel could read as frustration with the situation (the first emotional response), but also the memory kicks in, and he realises not to vent those feelings. (We are not defined by whether or not we feel anger or frustration when something happens, but how we choose to respond to it)

When the son drops the eggs, he is much calmer about it, as opposed to the father as a child, wide eye in fear as it happened, because he knew he was in for it.

When he asks if his son was hurt, there was not indication before that the son could be hurt (he was standing, after all), but it imprints onto his son what really matters, that the eggs were of lesser importance. Then lastly, cleaning up the mess was a cooperative effort. The physical results were the same, the eggs get cleaned up, but his son will always know he is loved, and that is what matters most.ย 

(Sorry for the rambling. I like it when all the little details weave together well)

As a dad… I’m such an asshole!

One of the first nights my now-husband moved in with me, I was drinking wine, and I’d balanced it precariously. He said to me, “You’ll spill that.” I said, “Nah, I’m being careful.”
Of course, I knocked it over and spilled it.
Now mind you, it was _my_ house he’d moved into, _I_ was the one paying the rent. But nonetheless, I absolutely*freaked* out crying, apologising desperately over and over again, and I was *stunned* when he said, “Why are you crying? There’s no need to cry, it was just an accident.”
I said, “Aren’t you mad at me?” He said, “How could I be mad about something you didn’t do on purpose?”
It was so far from my experience of growing up where even spilling *water* was a massive, massive deal. I’ve had to un-learn a lot over the last few years.

My parents were like this. It didn’t stop me from crying whenever I spilled my milk at dinner but it was nice lol.

Forrest is a good dad. Iโ€™m glad heโ€™s kinder to his son than his father was to him.

Nice one from Professor Flashback

I remember getting a backhand to the face for spilling a glass of milk

The diamond ring gave me a fat lip for a week

Simply cleaning it up is the right move.

Id’ve gone with humor.

“Welp, now we have to go back to the store, find the address of the farm these eggs came from, and apologize to every hen that laid them.”

“But dad, these are chicken–”

“I said what I said.”

Always treat your kids with respect and kindness, even when they make mistakes. Yelling at them over an accident or mistake does nothing but teach them to fear and resent you, and tells them that you value the eggs more than you value them.

I remember back in like 3rd grade i was washing dishes one night. My mom was at work and idk where my sis was, it was just my dad and I home. Well, I dropped a glass while I was washing it, it shattered on the floor. My dad came storming in somehow hearing it and instead of yelling at me for dropping it, asked if I was okay, picked me up and moved me away from the sink so my bare feet didnโ€™t step on the glass and told me โ€œits fine, itโ€™s just a cup.โ€ When I asked if he was mad. Didnโ€™t yell at me, didnโ€™t throw accusations. Just made sure I didnโ€™t get hurt and then had me help him clean the mess up. Thatโ€™s how a parent *should* respond to accidents like that.

(My dadโ€™s also a jerk who will start yelling at you over the pettiest shit, so him *not* being an asshole in that moment is probs why I remember it so well.)

One of the few things my parents got right was not getting upset over legit accidents. Things like this make me appreciate that.

Very wholesome comic.

โ€œScrambled eggs it is!โ€

But they have dirt and stuff in them now

โ€œโ€ฆ.nuts to this letโ€™s go get tacos. โ€œ

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I needed this today. Thank you again for your comic.

I love the wholesome parenting of these comics. They make my inner child feel safe.

Sometimes we just need to break the cycle and understand that some things are beyond our control.

And That’s Fine.

Not all people are able to break from this, but it’s great that there are people dedicated to tear it from their line.

We can break the circle.

And we will

The circle ends here

Sometimes we are able to learn from our parents in how NOT to handle some situations.

Gah FUCK! I’m having flashbacks. was in this exact scenario being raised by my gran. My friends son fumbled a glass cup 2 months ago. And I almost crashed out in their house cause he yelled at him. We both apologized for yelling and made sure he was cool and it wasn’t his fault and I bought everyone pizza for tweaking in their home. Me and my homie agreed we both got some unresolved shit to sort out.

gator days is the one thing keeping me from leaving r/comics

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