MMW: AOC will be the Democratic Primary Nominee in 2028 – Despite Establishment Democrats and the GOP trying to pull every dirty trick to stop her.

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I would love this to be true and for her to win, but can’t say I have enough faith in America, just in general

I guess we’ll be losing again then.

I really really hate to say this but itโ€™s kind of a bad idea for democrats to nominate a woman again.

I would vote my heart out for her, but this country is just too sexist to elect a progressive democrat as the first woman president. All over the developed world, the first woman presidents/prime ministers have tended to be conservative.

Democrats ran Hillary and Kamala and both lost to the worst human being on the planet, if they want to lose again, sure

Possibly. The Democrats do not seem to understand that machismo is still a thing – particularly among Black and Hispanic men — and no way in hell is the country is going to elect a woman President.

Horrible choice unless they are purposely trying to lose.

Member all the failed predictions this sub had about the election?

Just assume the opposite will happen.

I hate the establishment Democratic Party and would vote for her if this happensย 

The historical track record of people trying to go from the House to the White House is pretty abysmal. I think she’d need to have some other job before running. Mayor of New York? Guv? Senator?

The right has been conditioning Americans against her since day one. I donโ€™t have faith in Americans.

LOL if the Democratic Party has ANY interest in getting the office back before 2036 then theyโ€™ll be avoiding nominating AOC at all costs. Thatโ€™s just an automatic loss lol.

Letโ€™s fucking hope not

AOC would first need to win the primaries. I don’t see her as a strong candidate.

She’s great, but I don’t think so. Just generally speaking, I don’t think Democrats will want to have a woman at the top of the ticket for a long time.

It’s pretty clear that doing it causes substantial headwinds

I don’t think Republicans are going to allow elections, or at least legitimate ones.

Imo, they’ll rig the vote, and just make machines change votes, not count others, and just perpetually stay in power.

A touch conspiratorial, but honestly they have shown themselves to not be below such.

No she wonโ€™t lol. Americans are way too dumb

Stop her? Are you kidding? The GOP would love to have her as the Dem nominee but, she will never make it out of the primaries because she’s a dolt.

I mean dear God have you ever listened to her?

I’m Australian and I would love to see this.

I would vote for her, but I don’t think she wants it. She’s not driven by ego. I also think too many men won’t vote for a woman period. California Governor Gavin Newsom probably has the best chance for Dems, not really the Progressive many of us want, the new, old establishment more likely.

She wonโ€™t because she canโ€™t get the more moderate votes. Not saying she wonโ€™t be a good candidate for America but you also have to consider winning back some of the idiots.

You got beaten down 2 times by nominating a woman, and you think the third time is a charm?
US is not ready for a woman president and it wont be ready soon either.You giving the world lunatics like trump by not assessing the reality.

Not a fucking chance. They’ll do the same shit they did to Bernie. They’ll fill the field and then have all the others bow out and throw their delegates to whomever they want to coronate.

Do you want Trump 3.0? Because this is how you get Trump 3.0


This would guarantee another win for the GOP.

Democrats see AOC the same way the see Bernie Sanders. As a ultra far left socialist. She would never win unless she moves closer to the middle with her policies which she would never do.

Social Media makes people think she is way more liked than she really is the same way Social Media made everyone think Kamala was gonna win a landslide victory.

Ya’ll really don’t learn from your mistakes and it shows lol.

Eh, she’s way too hyperbolic with her words. She would easily get torn to shreds, even by other Democrats.

She’d probably make a better press secretary for a term or two before she could think about running.

Boy are you stupid, Charlie Brown.

I wouldnโ€™t vote for that asshole if she was the last person on earth. Sheโ€™ll get destroyed. With all her woke bullshit.

Fuck the NY Times being at #5. They are complicit in the current situation with their selective reporting.

lol if the Democrats put her up as their candidate (will never happen!), it’ll be the biggest landslide win for even a paper bag full of dog shit running on the Republican ticket

Free and fair elections are over in America.

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