David Moskovic, a 95-year-old Auschwitz survivor, gets emotional talking about Musk’s Sieg Heil

By Eienkei
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To Hell with the Muskrat.

I can’t imagine the memories that style of salute brings back for this man. Must be truly traumatizing

Imagine surviving the greastest atrocity ever made by the human race to then discover at the end of your Life That fascism is back and no one in the govermen seems to give a fuck.
I’ am so ashamed of us. People died 80 years ago to give us freedom and ban the nazi ideology, That génération is still alive and we disrespect them.

One of my grandparents survived Auschwitz and Birkenau, their friend died in the gas chambers. They moved dead bodies to furnaces and shoveled the ash out afterwards. Towards the end, they said sometimes the couldn’t move the dead bodies and ash fast enough.

They divulged all of this in tears to me and my mother a few months before their death. They never spoke of it until that moment, a remember the shock on my mother’s face to finally learn about it. They were perpetually covered in sweat and ash. 

My seething rage around this event is constantly consuming my thoughts, with autism and neurodivergence in the family, it’s also beyond obvious that using that as an excuse for Elon is disingenuous and idiotic. The day I hear someone in person defend it, I will reign verbal hell upon their damned soul.

People need to see the images of naked skeletal people pulling the bodies out of the chambers and into ditches to be burned, knowing they would be next. Those that got shot in the head were the lucky ones.

This was hell on earth and it happened for years.

Edgy trolls need a reality check

I feel for the man, he must feel he has come full circle now.

If only there was a group of people who vowed after WW2 to not let those atrocities to be repeated ever again against anyone in the world and created a safe heaven for people fleeing persecution with said characteristics – the pikachu face when the said group of people watches the same old salutes of WW2 being repeated at the world biggest stage and stands in silence as if they have no idea what’s happening…the masks are finally coming off I guess.

Soon survivors like David will be gone, and when they are, we’ll be left with people like Musk and his Nazi glazers who’ll act like it’s a good thing.

These people excusing his actions are enabling his bullshit. Musk needs to be knocked down a peg.

Elon’s tweets leave a trail of evidence that he is a white supremacist. Don’t let people convince you that this salute means nothing because he’s friends with Ben Shapiro.

And Elon Musk treats it like it’s a joke. Fuck Elon Musk.

whats sickening is that the ADL just plays it off saying its nothing.

Can anyone link the interview? i cant seem to find it. Please and thank you.

It’s really fucked up that one of the first things I thought when I saw this was, a bunch of people are gonna be mad about this picture. As in, angry at this man for being upset. How sad is it that this is the reality now.

The Elonazi will defend him because they believe basking in his shit like glow will rub off on their finances.

And all the musk/trump fans are laughing at this, it brings them joy that they can hurt this poor man. They are pure evil.

I am speechless……………..

Shame. Burning, crying shame. How many U.S. WW2 veterans lie buried all over the world? It was the civic duty of everyone present to break Musk’s arms and legs and throw him out like the sack of garbage he is. It won’t be your leaders that will be your undoing, America. It will be your cowardice.

Wow, it’s almost as if the man who has nothing to gain from running cover for Elon has no qualms about calling out what he actually did.

Never forget the ADL and Netanyahu support radical Zionism and war crimes, even at the cost of semites. Jewish *people* are the ones hurt by these actions.

Money shouldnt be able to buy freedom of genocide, eat the fucking rich

ADL said it was cool, guys. Come on.

He knows that if we let people like this to continue without any repercussions then history will repeat itself.

There will come a day when there are no living survivors of the terrors and evils nazis brought onto the world. May the time their stories have settled to the world, no more ever be written.

My heart goes out to this man. The world failed him. We must do everything in our power to stop it from failing anyone else, ever again

Don’t worry man, the majority still supports you.

And the new escape goats are native Hispanics.

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