The uncanny ability to ignore the obvious

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And that is why I, as a Dane, take his threats about the use of military force against Greenland seriously, heโ€™s a megalomaniac that wants to rule the world, not a troll.

Pretty sad, but at least they are opposed to it. (Edit: please quit with the replies to effect of “for now…”. Yes, of course they might warm up to the idea later on. That’s obvious. I don’t need to be told that hundreds of times today.)

damn, at least they’re critiquing the idea. Not what I thought would happen.

Wonder how they feel about [Trump firing all the IGs]( ([which is apparently illegal]( and [sending his anti-DEI goons in to intimidate government workers](

Who am I kidding, they probably love it.

I keep wanting to say “you can’t make this stuff up”.. but it is clear that this administration can consistently make up whatever they want. smh.

Remember: a major part of the defense of Trump was LITERALLY just acting like we were crazy for believeing he meant what he said.

My favorite is the guy at the bottom on the right. Heโ€™s talking about rugged individualism. MAGA is built on many things, but individualism is absolutely not one of them. Racism, fear, being stupid enough to think that Donald Trump has your best interests at heart, and wanting to know what his dirty diapers smell like sure. But nothing about this cult is individualistic.

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>Yet they praise FDR even though he ran for four terms and when called out for it they hide behind “wartime President so it was necessary!”

Bitch there were no rules for how long one can stay as president back then. It wasn’t until FDR’s death in office did we finally put term limits for Presidency

$20 says they are all for it by Monday.

I really enjoy the false equivalence of the bottom right comment to a bill that would repeal the entire 22nd amendment, rather than specifically crafting an exception for Obama (who hadn’t even started his first term, let alone won a second) to run three times. Because it just has to also be about Obama/Democrats, somehow.

Third term? Sounds familliar.

This is the very essence of that subreddit.

With his diet, age, and overall health.

I don’t think Trump is gonna be alive in 4 yearsย 

Holy shit. In a rare and not often actually witnessed moment, common sense spill out of the conservative sub.

Not bad.

Why did you censor their names? If they want to say their beliefs online, then censoring the usernames is stupid

That whole sub is delusional

I will say, they are at least being honest about it.

โ€ฆfor nowโ€ฆ

Civil War (2024) is a good movie. Highly recommend!

The number of things conservatives said was “totally a joke” that have gotten implemented in the past 8 years by Republicans could fill a hard drive. Just start with Roe v. Wade and keep going.

“The cult of personality is unseemly to an ideology founded on rugged individualism.”

Did they forget the /s? If that statement is satire, then it’s genius.

Otherwise, the only logical conclusion is, just, like…zero self awareness. A complete inability to think critically.

Super cool. Cool cool cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool

At least they aren’t ravenously frothing at the mouth in agreement of the idea for once

If this were to pass, which it wonโ€™t, it would give those in charge the power to flip flop two people as President and Vice President indefinitely since it is specifically designed to only bar people from running IF they have had two CONSECUTIVE presidencies

I think this should be the taken as an example of how most conservatives really do have standards.

‘Democrats lost the election because they take Trump literally’

That is a wild take. Even taking Democrat out of this, surely the minimum is that you should be able to take what a president says at face value.

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