Nahtzee for the trifecta

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Pricks and cunts still have some value and serve a purpose to humanity… Nazis don’t

This level of self-awareness is gonna’ awaken some things in Temu Stark. Let’s hope he uses these new powers for good for once.

Of course the Nazi Musk is a prick and a cunt.

How else could he go and fuck himself?

Elon is a waste of oxygen

As my husband would say, “he doesn’t have the depth to be a cunt, and cunts are useful.”

Why do we have to explain to a supposed “genius” that if someone calls you a cunt or a prick they’re obviously not referencing actual genitalia?

Well, away you go and fuck yourself…

He’s both, so he can go fuck himself.

Oh, and he’s a Nazi too.

Scum, don’t forget scum.

Musk can’t be a cunt because he lacks the depth and warmth of one

I hope everyone is able to hold steadfast in their abhorrent and absolute disgust at what this man did on stage. Making a mockery of the deaths of millions, and all our soldiers who died in addition, fighting against that kind of mentality. It cannot be tolerated in the slightest.

I doubt the intersex community wants to claim him, so

He gets more charming daily…

Yes Leon, you are.

I mean he did say that he “isn’t cisgender, you are…” so casting about is understandable.

Shouldn’t we all join the fight and ban links from America X ?

If that’s true, what are his pronouns?

If he’s just now realizing he’s a cunt, it’s a pretty good indication that he may be overselling the “genius” thing.

He can’t be a cunt, he lacks the depth and warmth. Not to mention musk is actually useless.

Being a prick and a cunt really must confuse most of the Republican Party.

Nah still wrong, those are not as bad as Nazi

He can’t be a cunt as he lacks the warmth and depth.

Apparently huh 🧐

Leona is transitioning it seems.

Wait, is this him admitting to being a Nazi? I have never used Twitter so these kinda posts are lost on me.

Then he can go fuck himself.

He spelled obviously wrong

Literally bro he has even agnolged it is he brain dead 

The more he comments on it the worse he looks. My lady doth protest too much…

Most honest thing he’s said in months.

There’s no need for the apparently

well it is possible to both be a prick and a cunt

nobody sought to insult you.

they’re describing you.

Again, Elon, the word is “evidently” not “apparently”.

Even better to use the term, “fascist”. Elmo can reasonably argue that he’s a zionist, which apparently means, “anti-Nazi”, but which, oddly enough, does not mean “anti-fascist”.

Now you have the tools to go fuck yourself.

Can an adult child be a nazi?

Asking for a friend.

And that’s just what your kids call you.

Godwin’s Law invoked


I fucking love this!

What am I missing here?

…how could those two be his takeaways

Everytime I hear the word Nazi, I hear “Not Cheese, Not Cheese” 🥴😅

Well, he’s all three.

But you just said….

Well, realizing your problems is the first step to improvement.

doesn’t matter who!

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