Thank you, Joe Biden!

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From a non US citizenโ€ฆit is maddening who you put up for for election

Same fault as Ruth. Didnโ€™t know when to step aside. Selfishness from both ruined our future. Fuck these old zombies that donโ€™t know when to quit.


Donโ€™t know exactly why but not feeling very thankful

Speaking of which – Dan Sheehan has a great post on the Democratic gerontocracy:

‘Our country has become a gerontocracy across the board, but the Democrats’ inability to embrace anyone under 50 makes it particularly obvious that its marching orders are coming from a disproportionately high number of people who won’t have to live through the entirety of the second Trump administration, let alone its consequences. This problem seemed like it should have sorted itself out when Biden was forced to step down, but it seems as though Harris’s loss has campaign analysts thinking that his age wasn’t the issue we all made it out to be. Set aside the fact that at 82, Biden is so old that he regularly called Harris, who will turn 61 this year, “kid” and we all were like “yeah, for sure.”

But this will never be seen as an issue so long as the Democratic Party is run by other, older, people. Nancy Pelosi is 84, Chuck Schumer is 74, Dianne Feinstein “served” until she died at the age of ninety. These people would have been forced out of any other job decades ago, but for some reason running a country is something they claim can be done indefinitely, a particular affliction of people their age.’


I still canโ€™t understand how with a population over 300m you could only come with men who should be retired living out their golden years

For what?

Yeah, thanks for not stepping out of the race sooner so we could get a candidate people actually liked enough to beat Trump.

Edit: /s since some folks didn’t catch it.

Thank you Joe Biden for giving us Trump 2.0

Lesson for future elections: run candidates people would actually want to vote for.

For what?

For handing the country over to trump and not stepping aside soon enough?

For having the DNC bully better canidates out in 2020 so we had another “Turd Sandwich and Giant Douche” Election where people are voting for lesser evils?

For meeting in the middle with conservatives when they never would do the same while they have power? All just because the we are supposed to be the “adults” in the room?

For ignoring progressive canidates, congressman and voters out of fear of stepping away from dead center?

For allowing Israel to steamroll Civilians for nearly half his term?

For clinging to power when his brain is barely functional?

Again I ask, for what?

Nah man I’m not going to glorify somebody that played such a big role in the situation we’re in.

Yea dude, thanks for handing the white house back to Trump.


He helped cause this mess


As a person with deep roots in the Democratic Party, Iโ€™m saying donโ€™t let the door hit you where the good lord split you. It was selfish to rob us of a primary. I wonโ€™t forget.

Had he not tried to debate trump and just stepped aside, the Dems couldโ€™ve actually had a primary and saw who the people really wanted. Thanks Joe, for delivering us trump.

I really donโ€™t think it was his fault the Democratic Party lost. Even if he never ran for a second term, stepped aside sooner, etc, I donโ€™t feel as if the party wouldโ€™ve won.

Something ugly is brewing in our nation and the election of Trump is just a symptom

we wouldn’t be in this mess if the democrats offered a viable candidate and not this dude to begin with. The democratic party is just as complicit as the republicans.

For what?

Bro did some work too bad all the good he did is gonna get undone by the dip shit in chief

Thank you for sleeping all the time?

I voted for him, but I didnโ€™t necessarily like him. For all the reasons others have posted in this thread. He should have gotten out way earlier, and stepped aside to let the democrats find a good candidate. I personally think Kamala *was* a good candidate, but she wasnโ€™t popular enough. Gavin Newsome would have won, Pete Buttigieg would have won, I really hate to say it, and it pains me, but a white man would have won. Rural America wouldnโ€™t have, and didnโ€™t, vote for a black woman. It really fucking sucks, but thatโ€™s the reality. All these racist shitbrains wonโ€™t vote for anyone other than a white man, and I can say that because Iโ€™m not running for office.

for what? this motherfucker is going to be looked at less favorably than james buchanan for the immediate consequences of his presidency

This sub is redicilous


Are we thanking him for not dropping out when should have, and helping to shoehorn a losing candidate who placed last in a previous primary, hastening the ascent of American fascism? He pulled a Ginsburg, except this time it’s the fall of democracy instead of Roe v. Wade. I’m embarrassed to call myself a Democrat. A larger group of geriatric, egotistical, ineffective, bumbling idiots couldn’t be found in politics anywhere else in the world.

Best US president of the last 8 years

I love how for the most part everything was calm, he didn’t constantly blab shit out of his mouth, he seems like a genuinely nice man, called Trump out on his bullshit. While not perfect he definitely acted like he was a gentleman as President. Joe Biden will be missed.

Was nice having a mental health 4 year gap between the absolute absurdity that is a Trump presidency. Dudes a major piece of shit.

Inherits a mess from the previous administration.

Does his best to clean up the mess, and does so literally better than any other country in the world, ensuring we achieve the proverbial “soft-landing”.

Gets blamed for the mess he claimed up.

Biden’s presidency in a nut shell.

You should not have stepped down or stepped down sooner. Democrats fucked up and now theyโ€™re like deer in the headlights while democracy is being ripped away!

I think this question needs to be posed correctly, and answered with some detail.

Letโ€™s rearrange history, and assume that Joe Biden announced his bid for presidency post Obama. This would have been much better for the entire country.

The Dems miscalculated and pushed a candidate who was deeply mistrusted (by all, whether they admit now or not) Hillary was not then and def not now a reliable or moral person, her politics have never been substantive and her lapses of judgement and failures are tainted in blood, they are very real.

If Biden had stepped up after Obama it would have been different, but the Dems were trying to push an agenda which they miscalculated.

Ultimately, Obama was a centrist and a deeply deeply morally flawed person, he deserves to be in The Hague with Bush, these individuals have a blood lust that is immeasurable. His domestic policy was empty and meaningless.

Biden has always been a vanilla politician, not very good at anything, but def establishment. I feel the country would have been far better off, and less divided if Biden ran against trump, even if Trump won, it would have been better

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