Congressional security or borders?

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Tbh Biden deported more people than Merrick Garland prosecuted for Jan. 6th

I vote to deport Nikki Haley

How do these people just flat out lie

Remember there are now 1500 hard core domestic terrorists just roaming the streets now.

Raises hand, and waves it around.


^ Me raising my hand to the question from the post.

Boom goes the dynamite!🧨

So we just need to worry about our own terrorists

I think [Canada did something like that]( But I personally don’t remember the incident.

The more I hear about Canadian armed forces, the more I’m glad that they’re usually on our side.

I thought Haley had integrity, I have come to realize she has none and will abase herself for power.

You should really avoid asking them to raise their hand.

Unfortunately they are also Americans, so we can’t do that, as much as we might want to.

What I do remember is how the Capitol looked when it was a BLM protest…

MAGA thinks she’s an immigrant

Protecting the Capitol from Americans is quite demonstratably necessary. Deporting immigrants isn’t.

Same thing can be said about who won. Yeah sure I agree neither party had good candidates, but as I’ve told my red hat sister, at least Kamala wasn’t threatening our lives in the way trump is.

Oh Nikki, lol… are you even relevant

We should exile the J6 insurrectionist. What they did was not American or patriotic. Watching videos about how the families of J6ers are scared that their family members will be released is wild. On top of that you have people like the leader of the Proud boys and the Qanon Shaman getting pardoned and immediately after planning to take revenge. Trump says he wants violent immigrants out of the US and this is just a few bad apples just like any American committing crimes. He then releases a whole gang of people that violently attacked the capital, injured/killed people and demanded the head of Nancy Pelosi. There is so much video footage of that day and MAGA and Trump will claim it was a peaceful protest. If you voted for Trump and you are unhappy with the way things are going tell your Trump supporting friends. At the end of the day we need to stop the propaganda and turn the tide. After all Trump isn’t choosing to save conservatives, and the American people will suffer in unity.

I would rather not deport anyone and send the white nationalist terrorists to jail for long sentences, some for life, and that is me being nice.

Treason used to only have one punishment in this country.

I agree with you Pam

But I do know of about 20 innocent civilians that were killed by illegals

Like Trump or Democrats care what she thinks 🤣

Um I’m not on twixter for a reason. Why are you posting this crap?

Says the woman who cannot go by her birth name and get elected to the GOP ticket.

As long as she can play white, she can be part of the club.

She went to a segregation academy in SC as a child and got to be part of the whites. That’s why her name is Nikkki and not Nimrata. Gotta fit in.

I just remember immigrants burning our American citizens on fire… it literally happened

I don’t know Pam Keith. The British came here illegally and had a pretty good go at it in 1812!

Deport them where? Nobody wants them

I feel like we’re in the movie Elysium, where’s Matt Damon when you need him? All jokes aside I have a bad feeling about how we’ll look back upon the 2020s 50 years from now. Maybe it’s social media’s doomer echo chamber but it feels like something bad is on the horizon.

i don’t like the immigrate gangs that come and hurt people, but the ones that just come here to work and mind their own business (which is most of them) idc, especially since most are still paying taxes.

Is Nikki Haley this stupid? I thought she had at least a half a brain.

Yea because if they show their face outside the crop harvest they’ll be deported 😂 but don’t worry ICE is coming for you all ✌️✌️✌️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

The real clever comeback would’ve been to point out that the claim about more money being spent to protect the Capitol than the border is 100% false.

Call out the lie, then add the criticism.

I love how Nikki Haley is on the outside looking in. She sold her soul to the devil and got nothing from it.


Both tbh

So…. You think it’s okay to deport US citizens?

Probably because Congress protects illegals and gives them a bunch of money. I wouldn’t want to hunt you either.

Maybe try showing the same courtesy to American Citizens.

This APP must be the PLO TIMES 😂😂🤪🤪

How many members of congress were actually killed/held captive ??

I’ll keep the immigrants but remove every single illegal immigrant.

The only assassination attempts recently have been on your current president.

Won’t somebody please consider the safety and well being of Congress?!

Raise your hand if you prefer migrants raping innocent people to politicians being hunted….

Oh maybe if our members in Congress actually did shit for a country instead of for themselves we wouldn’t want to have them removed

Yeah, America wants more ghettos. No problem if crime is not an offense. Won’t hurt statistics then.

Nothing illegal about being racist.
Coming across the border is illegal

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