Why you Americans insist on pissing off your allies

By Drixuus
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And I hope the world backs you

Almost like Putin wants the US and NATO at odds with each other

Dear Danes,
As an American, I say to you and any other country our chief executive annoys, please take over America. I can assure you that the general populace will assist you in this endeavor. Please put us out of our misery and show us how a developed country should govern.

I’m American and I hope this somehow backfires and we all end up as Denmark’s citizens.

Keep laughing at him and telling him to go fuck himself Denmark. He’s doing this to deflect conversation from his broken campaign promises like lowering grocery pricing, stopping wars and cutting energy costs in half. He’s figured out he can’t fix them, so he hides behind nonsense.

95% of Americans would never choose to annex another country against their will. Trump got elected by appealing to low information voters and it unfortunately worked. They didn’t expect this level of bullshit, for they are idiots.

>Why you Americans insist on pissing off your allies

With MAGA in charge, there are no more allies or enemies. MAGA’s too transactional for that. It’s all about what you’ve done for them lately:

* If you haven’t kissed Dear Leader’s brown ring, you’re on their shit list.
* If you slighted them in the slightest, you’re on their shit list.
* If they think that you slighted them in the slightest, you’re on their shit list.
* If you’ve done nothing for them or against them, you’re on their shit list.

But you can get off their shit list as long as you’re willing to publicly humiliate yourself by kissing Dear Leader’s brown ring whenever he tells you to.

That’s not us Americans. It’s Trump and his fascist handlers.

Hopefully, MANY countries will stand up to this despotic “president.” Only with strong sanctions against us and the economic consequences that come from that will these “Americans” who voted for him learn. Pray for us.

Give us Hell. You’ll have allies

And Europe is going to help reinforce that no

We think Trump is a joke. Unfortunately, as president, he’s a deranged, dangerous joke. There are so many domestic issues in the US that he could be addressing instead of ranting about Greenland, the Panama Canal and renaming the Gulf of Mexico.

“You Americans”


“You Magas” would more accurately describe the minority of people who support this crap.

Just say no!

What sucks about the title of this post is the ‘you Americans’ part, and I say this as a non-US citizen.

Trump did not get elected to take over other countries. He never once mentioned such a thing during the election campaign. Nobody voted for this.

The problem is Trump, and Trump enablers, who are a MINORITY in the USA.

I just can’t understand why a country filled with people claiming to be Christians and pro peace suddenly want to invade a bunch of other countries who did absolutely nothing to provoke them or anyone else. What did Denmark do? What did Canada do? And Panama? They are all relatively insignificant, super peaceful countries that just go about their day, existing. And none of these people have expressed a wish to become American. Quite the contrary actually. As a Canadian, I consider my quality of life immensely better OUTSIDE the US. Don’t become the next supervillain nation and leave us alone. We don’t want a war with you or be annexed by you. We didn’t ask for any of this and did nothing to you.

Alot of us embarressed Americans would like to apologize to your country for the things that come out of our current leader’s mouth (*and also his cult)

**WE** are not pissing off anyone. Our Mango Mussolini moron president is hell bent on it though.

Why would anyone think us Americans have anything to do with this. It’s a fucking Nazi takeover by oligarchs.


A lot of us at this point, or at least, I, would honestly prefer to live in your country. The people who support this crap and this idiot are themselves too stupid to know how much better than the us places like Denmark treat their citizens.

Because MAGA wants to be allies with Putin instead. They want to be conquerors just like the days of the Roman Empire.

There’s only one thing more scary that someone/thing violent. It’s someone/thing that’s stupid and violent, and that’s the US right now

donald fucking trump is pissing off our allies. i have no control over that piece of shit and if did, I would make him leap feet first into an industrial meat grinder.

As an American, this is fucking gross and the vast majority do not support this shit.

it’s impossible to defend the 70 million people who voted for this hateful dumdum.

but for the global audience here, know that there are just as many/more who are still trying to find ways to resist. and are allies with humanity/the rest of the world.

As an American, I’d prefer the US became part of Denmark. Our government sucks.

I don’t know why they all think that saying “No!” means something. America just elected an adjudicated sexual abuser as President. He’s not big on consent. That’s literally legally documented. No doesn’t mean anything to him.

As an American, I hope the world backs Greenland and Denmark in every possible way. Nobody here even knows where this stupid idea came from. It just popped into his disease-addled brain and he has decided it’s important. Fucking twat.

Donald Trump is representative of everything purely evil and wrong in this world, and I still can’t comprehend how 77 million dumbfuck backwoods idiots voted for him again.

We Americans feel the same way. The GOP is powerful. We are not. It is up to the GOP how far they will go. But come what may. We are still going to say no. 

“We Americans” have nothing to do with it. A narcissistic sociopath has, by what means we still don’t know, seized power.

The US would have to leave NATO to attack Denmark and would then be attacking a founding member of NATO, resulting in sparking a world war when Denmark triggered article 5.

It’s also worth nothing that only one member state has ever triggered article 5. It was the big brave United States who don’t need anyone else to help them, yet they begged Denmark to help them out against a load of blokes living in caves armed with Cold War soviet weaponry.

This is before we even consider the fact that the US lied to drag NATO into a war with a country that had nothing to do with the attack that they claimed they were defending themselves against.

American here – I don’t want this, and probably don’t want most of what happens for the next 4 years

Not “you Americans”, trump.

“Us” Americans? About a third of voting age Americans voted for this piece of shit. Another almost third voted for Harris, and the final just over a third stayed the hell home on voting day.

UK and NATO can’t help Ukraine if the US is over the pond sticking its dick in the mashed potatoes

A few days in office and already calling for *lebensraum.*

As an American, I’m wondering which nation I join up with to fight the tyranny of my own. Canada would be easier — I have English and French (with Québécois familiarity, no less!) but I could get down the basics of Greenlandic and Danish basic communications well enough.

Puting is rubbing his hands with glee, as NATO comes to an end.

hey Denmark, if you’re listening….

if ya need a sleeper agent in the American northeast or anything hit me up

Because Putin instructed him to?

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Grønland ville sikkert være en godbid for tRump, men der er også andre ting inde i billedet, og dette kan være en af dem ….

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