Real Faith Punished…

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This is what **real** Christian persecution looks like.

Innkeeper charged with allowing family to sleep in his barn, violating health and safety rules and zoning regulations.

Someone please post the link this hero’s GoFundMe page and we’ll all start making sure he’s only out his time for this ridiculous bullshit.

They’ll arrest someone for helping people, but let the ones causing harm slide. This country’s priorities are so messed up.

The only types of “Christians” America values are Right Wingers that use Religion to mask their shitty behavior and Mega Church owners.

Every other actual Christian who follows the teachings of Jesus are basically pariahs.

Weird, I don’t remember the fire Marshall busting up any church youth group lock-in sleepovers.

This shit pisses me off to no end. I live in a small town. It’s not that small anymore with 18,000 people but there are no less than 30 churches here.

In recent years one would open up to be a warming and cooling shelter. They closed that part last year. Not one is opening any of their space for the people they claim to help with their begging for money from the congregation. It’s sad. And stupid.

The church my parents go to used to be a school so it has classrooms, an auditorium, a gym, a cafeteria, and many admin rooms. They alone could probably shelter the entirety of the homeless in our city plus a few who don’t have heat or AC. And they don’t. This is just one piece of the reason I left the church.

The “Christians” are wondering why people are leaving the church. Exhibit A

As someone who deals with fire codes on a daily basis and has seen them save countless lives, there is a middle ground here that was likely ignored entirely. If they housed people in a church and didn’t follow codes, it could be fatal. The right thing for the pastor AND FIRE MARSHAL to do is sit down and say “we want to house homeless overnight in the winter, what do we have to do to make this happen safely?” If the Fire Marshal doesn’t want to work with him to make a safe plan, he’s an asshole and there are other channels the pastor could pursue to make it happen. So many churches in my area do this and it’s never a problem. Homeless are in warm shelter and SAFE. If we’re just piling people into buildings and ignoring their safety, we’re failing them more than anyone else could.

I wonder who reported him??

Im not religious but all of this is in the Bible. Where the devil takes over the church 🤷🏽‍♂️

it’s been a few thousand years that way. yes.

Pastor Chris Avell, and he was found guilty.

When you worship power, compassion and mercy will look like sins. – Benjamin Cremer.

**I’m tired of people calling them fake Christians**

The second a Christian does something wrong they are now a fake Christian so therefore there are no bad Christians. Muslims, gays, you name it don’t get that luxury but Christians do

There aren’t fake and real Christians.. you are either a piece of shit or you have morals. Christianity is honestly whatever said Christian believes it to be. It’s literally different amongst every one of you. When are y’all gonna realize it’s just another cult

Christians putting “Christians” in charge of putting Christians in jail. How Christian of those Christians!

Nothing hates like Christian love

I think the obvious decision is to outlaw all religions for the sake of humanity.

Daily reminder that in the Bible lore, Jesus was executed by the feds for not paying taxes

Yeah just how they want it

Looks like South Carolina.

ain’t no love like Christian love.

Is anyone surprised? The state acts to benefit the state, nothing more, nothing less. You may “own” the building, but it’s on the state’s land and they can do whatever they want. It’s why they tax you, charge you exorbitantly ridiculous fees to get permits to modify your “owned” property, fine you even more if you make a tiny mistake and forgot to check yes on question 44G.

This wasn’t about fire protection, it was about the state seizing an opportunity to grab a quick buck using “public safety” as its herald, just like law enforcement and the Feds.

Do they think the homeless will spontaneously combust if they have a warm place to sleep!?

The maga movement is truly fucked up and ALL its members are true pieces of human excrement.

The magas _do_ keep comparing themselves to the know, the people who killed Christ.

True Christianity is subversive to the rich and powerful

Some NIMBY twit dropped a dime (or Karen-ed into a cellphone.)

The apostatasy is real.

But where’s the go fund me?

Murica… but seriously any reason why perhaps I am an atheist instead?

I remember when Ohio was a reasonable, middle of the road state…and this is confirmation that I’m an old coot

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