The President of Finland & the Prime Ministers of Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Mette Frederiksens house. Quote: “We are not alone – We have several close allies with whom we share values”

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That’s a quite clever picture, in terms of what it aims to communicate and how it achieves this.


I see they prefer Mikkeller beer, nice

We love you guys! And support you!
The Nordics are a great example for Belgium. And beautiful to travel! 😊

In related news, Ikea has released a new table called “Fuggtroemp.”

I love the minimal style of northern europeans. We in the south are so loud for nothing

It’s good to see that our Nordic brothers have our back. It’s times like these that you’ll find out who will stand by you and who will abandon you.

Really jealous of the level of integration the Nordic countries have.

I love my PIGS brothers and sisters, but never have dinner together! 😛 We should do more stuff together.

Also, Frederiksen has quite an understated house, from the look of it. Either the salary of a Danish PM is low or she prefers the famous Scandinavian minimalism.

We have your back JEF buddies!

God the Nordics are so cool

A finn, a norwegian, a swede and a dane walk into a house…

Drinking a good Mikkeller there, can’t be a bad person if you’ve got good taste

Amongst, these four lies control of Europe’s strongest joint airforce, its largest artillery, a third of its ammo production, couple million willing soldiers and control of most of europe’s fossil fuels, hydro power, renewables production capacity and mineral resources.

The nordics should really work together.

This is cool. They don’t even need to speak english to communicate. Stubb speaks swedish.

It’s important to keep your friends close in trying times. It’s also nice to know that we have eachothers backs.

Can’t we just turn California into an European state 😎

Now look at it as a Scandi noir thriller. Assign a character to each.

How cool is that?

Just 4 regular people having some food

Based on all metrics, these countries have figured out public systems far above all others. Health, criminal justice, education etc. Politicians from all over the world should be trying to emulate their accomplishments. Learn from these countries.

Did they speak English or Scandinavian? Would be possible since Finland’s president speaks Swedish

We’ve got your back 🇳🇱💪🏽

Can Canada come over for coffee and dessert?

Why only these, I think the whole EU is Denmarks ally. I expect her to throw a party with all 27 heads of governments!

There’s a lot to be said for the low-drama lifestyle if the Northern Europeans.

What’s the quote from? Unsourced posts are so tiring

Fuck off Trump!

This picture gives me hope. Thank you.

They are hygging.

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