Is this tangerine trying to start a fight with every world leader?!

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Don J’s cocaine prices just SKYROCKETED

I’ve been watching more Canadian news these days, and more Canadian leaders are calling out Trump on his tariff threats!
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The next administration has its worked cut out for them! 🤦🏻‍♂️
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LOL at all the victory laps by the Maggats on reddit for the last half hour…

Coffee is the obvious product, but we import $6 bn a year of Colombian crude oil and send them back about $5.5 bn in refined gasoline and oil. That exchange price just doubled in less than a day. I’m guessing the refineries in Texas and other gulf states are about to run into some reductions in force.

Imagine if Biden or Harris misspelled “Colombia!” 🤦🏻‍♂️
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Womp womp! 🤡
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This should be every country’s approach. Whatever tariff Trump applies they should just double it.

All Trump needed to do was show the slightest bit of diplomacy and establish a protocol with Columbia for the transfer of individuals back to that country…. but good luck with that.

It’s like he’s trying to speed run crashing the economy

One week in and Trump is already bringing coffee prices down.

I should mention that I am not American, so US tarrifs on Colombian coffee increases available supply and puts downward pressure on coffee prices for the rest of the world.

I thought Trump was an idiot, but he seems to be bringing my coffee price down.

Thank you President Trump, and can you look at Brazil next /s

I think Trump is trying to make McDonald’s the only breakfast anyone can afford.

The official breakfast food of our country will be the sausage and egg mcmuffin.

Every MAGA victory is a loss for all of us, MAGA included, though they’re too brainwashed to realize it.

What he doesn’t understand is Americans will have to pay tariffs on all goods from all these countries while they will just have to pay for the ones from America. These tariff wars are going to hurt in the US way more than elsewhere.

Didn’t some ultra overprivileged right wing walking waste of oxygen a year or so ago just suggest that Americans should stop eating breakfast if it was getting too expensive for them?

It would seem his marching orders from poppa Putin are to destroy this place from the inside and wreck every relationship the US has.

Good job, conservatives

He’s doing a great job of uniting the world against us.

JFC! I’m surprised it took so long! 🤦🏻‍♂️
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Can’t the rest of the world just trade among itself and let the US-shit-of-A stew in its own demented juices?

I’m in the UK and will be buying some Colombian coffee tomorrow.

Pissing off every coffee drinker in the US doesn’t strike me as the smartest move.

We export 19B worth of goods to Colombia that they’ll now get elsewhere. Are we winning yet? Top export is oil

Wait until ma and pa MAGA can’t afford to eat their breakfast at the Waffle House.

Our tariffs on foreign goods cause our prices to rise. Their tariffs on our goods do not cause our prices to rise, it causes them to not trade for the stuff we sell to them.

So Trump’s 25% tariff will cause coffee to be more expensive. Their 50% tariff on us will not.

According to google “Colombia has a trade deficit with the United States, meaning that the value of Colombia’s imports is greater than the value of its exports.”

Therefore, congrats DJT, you just fucked American businesses more than you fucked Colombia. Assuming they’re talking about the imports / exports from the perspective of Colombia, which I think they are…

Who would’ve thought someone who bankrupt a casino would be terrible at running a country??

This motherfucker made my covfefe more expensive?!

At least obesity should decrease if no one can afford food.

If MAGA keeps expressing themselves this way, maybe Central and South America will turn to China.

Heard to Costco for 2 late bags of coffee tomorrow. And maybe democracy? It’s obviously for sale.

Six days.

Six goddamn days.

Six goddamn motherfuckin’ godawfull chode-throating mega-cock swallowing days. And he’s already done *this much* damage.

Four more years.

We’re not going to make it.

Don’t forget oil imports from Columbia will be taxed. So gas will go up.

Oh this is great. I work in ocean exports and just booked something to go to Colombia on Friday. Thanks Donnie, we were having a banner year but looks like he’s about to tank it.

I don’t blame them either. Trump is going to rat fuck us.

Boy. I bet MAGA Republicans are feeling REAL proud that the first week of Donald “baby hands” Trump and him doing the exact OPPOSITE of what he ran on; lowering grocery bills and costs to the American citizen.

Bunch of fucking clowns, every single last one of ya.

Fox News in a month “Trump generously suggests to remove tariffs on Colombian products. Why this is a genius move for US economy.”

So here we are in Canada. Looking forward to coffee prices not changing.

Also when the orange fuckhead says y’all havw a $250bn trade deficit with Canada, that’s not true….shockingly. more like $40 bn.

Oh…also…now that US goods will be too expensive, we can expect more trade with Colombia. Thanks Trump! Keep it up!

Eat your bootstraps in the morning.

But conservatives told me that Colombia caved and that Trump is winning!

The endless propaganda and fascist idiocy coming from that subreddit is beyond the pale. These folks are idiots and will be wanking off to Trump under a bridge in poverty until the very end.

Edit: Spelling

Maybe he just hates breakfast? Is he mad he’s never up early enough for McDonald’s breakfast? I am. But not mad enough to start WWIII… I just set and alarm when I want a sausage biscuit. Maybe he doesn’t know how to use his phone alarms? Someone should send him an alarm clock.

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