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Remember back when Republicans were pretending that they supported “freedom” and that even if there are risks, the government shouldn’t have a say? Well, now there are no risks, but the government should still have a say, but I guess it’s fine to own the libs.

welp now anyone who was kind enough to not spread germs while sick can be sure to spread them around and get everyone sick.

It’s a way to create cause for cops to interfere with any protests or public gathering they want to.

why are you guys not rioting? seriously. as an outsider i always thought of americans as loud upbeat freedom loving go getters, seeing you guys be so docile is destroying all the american stereotypes in my head

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What is the point in this? Like if you don’t want to wear a mask just don’t and if you do who cares?

Why make it a misdemeanour to wear a mask?

Edit: the UK (where I am) has actually had this for 2 years now at protests. The police can remove your mask but in the circumstance of “Police will be given powers to arrest protesters who wear face coverings to threaten others and avoid prosecution, and pyrotechnics will be banned at protests.”

So I guess it depends on what you’re doing while wearing a mask, if you’re just peacefully protesting it’s fine, but if you’re being threatening or violent it’s can be seen as hiding your identity I guess?

A mask is being counted as a face covering like a balaclava basically it seems as it can conceal your identity. Which when look it at like that, it’s actually not as clear cut as mask vs no mask tbh.

So… apparently public comic cons, renfaires, etc will be filled with law breakers (doesn’t specify the type of mask, and those are often public, and are all assemblies)

It’s to make sure people are identifiable during rallies. Nothing about Covid. All about identification. This was happening across Europe a while back.

The party of “freedom”…

Still wearing my mask🤷🏽

It excludes medical devices (among religious and safety equipment as well) and is specifically in Indiana. A medical grade face mask to protect against disease would pass. The bill notes rioting as the main reason for this bill.

This bill is meant to prevent obscurity in public to make it easier for police to find a wanted individual and help with eyewitness accounts from what I can read.

Literal fascism crazy how they have only done the fascist things and none of the cheap eggs things. What’s up conservatives?

Just wear a fake moustache, glasses, etc

A bit frightening too; surprised nobody is discussing about protests and the effect it has now

The US is fucked if we get another global pandemic.

Don’t worry—it’s not in effect. ‘Twas only introduced, according to [this website](

Party of small government, btw

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So all of these clowns

The only time I don’t mind covid making a comeback.

i guess they want you to spread your sickness

Natural selection, take the wheel.


Either this is gonna get shot down so fast or it’s gonna have almost zero opponents. Either way this scares me

This is why I groan whenever I hear people say that both sides are the same.

Hopefully this remains only a bill and never goes to law

Doesn’t say anything about clown paint…

Wearing anything is freedom of expression and this is absolutely unhinged bill of rights violation

FYI dudes and dudettes, this is in INDIANA, not the US Senate.

It’s still bullshit either.

So if I have Covid and wear a mask so I don’t hack all over people’s children, I get arrested?

This is for the state of Indiana, not federal across the country.

No more Klan rallies for their voter base

This is moronic

Bruh. I work in an animal emergency room and get exposed to zoonotic diseases DAILY. I am wearing my mask.

Hey you, person that’s trying to protect other people from getting sick. Here’s a misdemeanor for being considerate… Makes perfect sense 🤦🏻‍♂️

I can’t wait for the next viral outbreak

Imagine being such a snowflake a mask hurts them. Well at least the idiots can’t hide who they are anymore.

This is a good use of their time and our tax dollars.

I live in Indiana where that bill is. They want to do horrible things in some others too.

HB 1136 would dissolve Indianapolis Public Schools (22,000 students) and four other districts. They will convert the schools to charter schools.

HB 1334 would classify unborn babies as “human beings” in the criminal code (to make abortion murder).

HB 1231 would literally make all classrooms display the ten commandments. Idk how that would even be allowed.

HB 1684 would end no fault divorce and force you to prove to a court why your divorce should be granted.

SB 523 would allow religious chaplains to work or volunteer at schools.

I’m sure there are others, but those are a few notable ones.

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Just for more context

Time for ai breaking face paint.

So what happens to those of us who have transplants and need to wear a mask in public because of immunosuppressents?

Who’s going to tell these people?
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New patch notes look lame as hell

Americans are just as brainwashed as the people in other countries they claimed are brainwashed. Period next question. They actually do believe all the nonsense of how “free” they are and how “repressed and backwards” everyone outside the US is because that is all they are fed.

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