Rage Against The Machine live in concert.

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true then, true today.

15 years ago if he had that up at a concert it wouldnt have been controversial, now this would be controversial to some pople. That is concerning.

Can’t believe RATM became political…. /s

Lots of cunts in this thread

The best Nazis are dead Nazis. Rage Against the Machine is right.

The only good thing a nazi does in their lifetime is fertilize the soil.

“People like what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don’t like the word Nazi, that’s all.”

The writers for The Boys really hit the nail on the head.

Its just suprising if you never heard a rage song. They are as stable as they have always been

Lots of Nazis revealing themselves in this thread.

That’s on brand and good double whammy


Alternatively “Make Nazis Pay Again”.

surprising to see the Moomin shirt

Performers need to stick to performing.

By definition, Nazi beliefs directly contradict coexistence. These beliefs include fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism, homophobia, ableism, and the use of eugenics.

These groups can not peacefully coexist with Nazis when their core beliefs dictate that they are scientifically superior to the others, that other races and groups of people are inferior to them.

These guys are saints 

I don’t go to concerts, but I just might have bought a ticket for this one if I knew about it sooner.

Aren’t they technically raging with the machine these days?

Stunning and brave

Brought to you by Ticketmaster

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We need this band more than ever

I mean this shouldn’t even qualify as political it’s should just be a fact

Woah ok

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