Kamala Harris Hits the Grocery Store, Smirking at the Prices

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The prices are going to sky rocket once the clown king crashes the economy again 

Person smiles in public – “look at this hidden political message!”

They’re only going to go higher. Surprise!

It’s a picture of her shopping and smiling. Is that not allowed OP? At least she knows how to shop for herself and not have an assist a do her shopping like the current President has his entire life 🤷🏻‍♂️

She can be even smugger as the prices climb even higher as Trump continues deporting all the cheap labor.

It’s funny how many say that Harris getting the nomination shouldn’t have happened without a primary. The GOP primary was a farce they basically gave it to Trump before the first debate between all the candidates. Trump was too busy with court cases and being an ass. Yet the cult and old GOP voters: “I can’t wait to vote for Trump.” Us: “um there are other candidates.” Them: “oh that’s a formality it’s already a locked deal.” Also them: “Who does Harris think she is just being handed the nomination.” 🤷‍♂️

Leave her alone. Get a job. We had our chance at a presidential candidate. We elected an idiot with 4 years and also zero experience at the job who gave all his friends and family jobs.

They keep bringing up DEI, only DEI I see in the government is Don, Eric, and Ivanka but hey, republicants always have been the party of projection

Personally I don’t think she’s the best, but I also don’t think she’s the petty type. She might or might not have fixed many problems, but she would have done far less damage to America in 4 years than the orange emperor did in less than a week.

The bigger news is that she actually grocery shops. I wouldn’t be surprised if most career politicians never set foot in one, especially the men

So a person can’t smile in public anymore, without having a hidden political agenda?

Prices are already worse

and they’re only going to go higher…with absolutely NO relief from the govt. the people have spoken.

I feel like Trump hasn’t done his own grocery shopping in over 60 years…Yet so many people claim to relate to him or believe he’s one of them. 🙄🙄🙄

They’re already climbing here. Trump voters are clowns.

They’re higher, at the pump too

He said DAY ONE.

I love the Trumpers saying but it’s only been a week!!! As if Trump didn’t literally say they’d start going down day ONE of his second term. A week in, he’s changed his tune though. He said it’ll be really hard to get prices down and it’s not his #1 priority. Just wants to keep his mindless supporters’ expectations at bay

She shouldn’t be there. She should be in the oval office.

As a species we peaked in the 90’s. I’m watching the decline with these weak ass made up memes.

why arent all of you banding together to fund a worthless memecoin w a pump and dump? trump did it and made almost 4 billion dollars. u all could make each other millionaires but instead youre squatting nearby in hopes of catching him in one of his scams early on so you get chosen.

Actually because the already went up.

Oh, it’s going to get a whole lot worse. Stock up on coffee, those are going up in price soon thanks to the Colombia tariffs.

I work in produce and yesterday I became hyperaware of how much stuff we get from both Canada and Mexico. With the tariffs prices are going to skyrocket and I cant wait for people to bitch to me about it.

Where’s she shopping where the prices haven’t gone up!?

they are HIGHER.

“Them prices still the same” indeed.


…still the same or higher.

Eggs are super expensive why

She’s being unburdened. No worries.

And no eggs

this country had a chance to be great again and instead chose to be stupid again with stumpy

Eggs have already gone up

Good thing Trump is in mar largo golfing working on them egg prices

Leave her be haha You can hate her as a politician but she is no longer a politician. Let it go

tRump inherited Biden’s unbelievable post-COVID recovery and has ALREADY crashed it just one week in and made groceries pricey as hell. Welcome to the new fascist America.

She’s a multi-millionaire everyday prices don’t affect her in any way at all.

Probably also smirking because she knows the American people decided and none of this shit is her problem anymore.

Prices are higher, not the same

Yassss Queen

Oh wow epic! She smirks at dead Palestinian children as well. Who gives a fuck about this loser?

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