The puck hit the glass so hard you can read “New Jersey”

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I was at a Caps game last season and a guy got checked face first into the boards and immediately grabbed his face. Thought his nose got smashed but then looked at the boards and realized you could see the individual teeth imprints his mouthguard made on the glass.

Looking at who is in frame that’s Dougie so I 100% believe it. Those Dougie bombs are lethal while not always the most accurate.

This is incredible if real

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Did anyone notice the UFO?

Probably just the printing on the puck coming off, but cool nonetheless

This is sick as hell

Not going to lie that’s bad ass


Dougie has been really hammering those slap shots so I believe it

Just before ripping one into the glass, the skater asked “what did Delaware?”

Plot twist: puck shot by Blackwood too.

Stamp of approval

This should go on r/pics. Incredible!

Imagine now that every so often a player takes one of those shots in the face.

Having to try and look past that for the rest of the game would annoy the hell out of me.

Who tf missed the goal by that much?

That’s hard 🔥

Puck must be brand new or something never seen this before

When I was a kid we got into a rather harsh feud with the neighborhood kids. One kid came running and got kicked dead square in the forehead. After a few minutes he had “nike and part of the swoosh on his forehead. It was so funny we couldn’t go on. Nike kid was upset though and we had to dodge his mom later.

Puck so hard mf wanna fine me

Alternate artwork for a Bon Jovi album

Man… to hit hard enough flat face to transfer the graphic like that….. must have made one HELLLLL of a bang…. Pucks hitting glass flat face always sound louder but damn….

When I played juniors a defenseman on my team took a shot to the face when the other team tried to clear the zone.

Dude came over to our bench, clutching his face and wincing, we all figured he lost some teeth when the trainer got to him. I was really worried because earlier that season one of my former teammates had lost most of his front teeth to a slap shot. Our team trainer bent over him, got him to move his hand, then she started laughing.

This guy had an imprinted bruise pattern from the puck. You could clearly make out the “Made in the Czech Republic” right on his jawline. Nothing was broken and he played the rest of the game, he just didn’t talk much for a couple of weeks.

Big deal.. everyone knows New Jersey is pucked up

At a quick glance I thought those were teeth marks

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