C’mon man

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Return of the king is 10/10

The Third Age is amazing. Return of the King and The Two Towers also were fantastic.

Battle for middle earth,
Lord of the rings online,
Shadow of mordor,
Shadow of war.

Lego LOTR has left the chat

Most of the LotR games are great i dont know what you talkin about.

War in the North is such a good game. Great story, action, gameplay and decent graphics.

Battle for Middle Earth II is the best RTS game, in my opinion. Especially with the War of the Ring mode

The Third Age was incredible for the time it came out. Wish they revamped and re-released this one

LOTR Conquest?

In no particular order, here’s 11:

1. Sierras ‘The Hobbit’
2. EAs ‘The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
3. EAs ‘The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
4. EAs ‘The Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age
5. The Lord Of The Rings: Conquest
6. Battle For Middle Earth
7. Battle For Middle Earth II
8. The Lord Of The Rings: The War In The North
9. Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor
10. Middle Earth: Shadow Of War
11. Lego: The Lord Of The Rings

bro what lord of the rings has had some great games

I’m sorry, but Return to Moria is a great game.

Shadow of Mordor erasure

War in the North, Lord of the Rings Online, Last Days if the Third Age (Mount and Blade mod), Lego LotR

Total War Medieval II had an INCREDIBLE LOTR mod. Full campaign that included battles against Trolls and a Balrog. Amazing custom maps as well, including Minas Tirith and Kazad-Dum.

LOTRO. Best MMORPG ever.


Gollum was a masterpiece I don’t know what you think could be better… in all seriousness ps2 the two towers was great for the time and even though it was not canon shadow of war was still fun.

Battle for Middle-Earth 1 and 2. I’m surprised they haven’t made a remaster (well, no, not surprised, RTS are not in this year or any year recently. But the games are still absolutely legendary)

Battle for Middle Earth,
Battle for Middle Earth 2,
War in the North,
Shadow of Mordor,
Shadow of War,
Third Age,
Two Towers,
Return of the King.

My guy is tripping

LotR Online, Shadow of Mordor, Shadow of War, Lego LotR.

Third Age Total War: Divide and Conquer.

Lego LOTR is pretty good

Bro has clearly never heard of LOTRO one of the all time greats of mmorpg games and a true adaptation of Tolkeins works

I only play four games and they are awesome.

Lego Lord of the Ring, Lego Hobbit, Shadow of Middle-Earth, and Shadow of War.

Aragorns’s quest, Battle for Middle Earth, The Two Towers on Gameboy Advance = childhood favorites

Hey OP, what’s the universe you’re from like? I ask because I can only assume that you’re not from the one that this is posted in.

Nobody has every played the Lego game. How embarrassing

I very much enjoyed Shadow of Mordor. The sequel was disappointing in a variety of ways.

There are many good LotR games, but there isn’t a single LotR game that can be the flagship game and considered one of the greatest of all time.

Take Star Wars for example. Force Unleashed is ok, Jedi Fallen Order is ok, The Old Republic is ok, Battlefront(old ones) were ok. But Knights of the Old Republic is that flagship game showing how high the bar can be for Star Wars and people play all these ok games with some touch of KOTOR in their mind.

From pure rating standpoint LOTRO is the closest game to do that(still about 10+ points off KOTOR) but it being an aged MMORPG and coincidentally getting released around WoW’s peak didn’t allow that. Amazing game regardless, check it out.

MESBG is cool

TTT and ROTK for PS2 just wanna talk to you


LOTR Online, obviously. Realms In Exile is also good.

It’s like you were only born in the past ten years.

We’ve had some absolute bangers in middle earth.

The Confrontation board game by Reiner Knizia slaps and is both intricate but not super long

Not a video game, but the War of the Ring board game is still *the* game.

I think this is the most incorrect meme I’ve ever seen 

Downvote. Downvote this man

Is this bait?

Well, if you count the board games, we have plenty of them 🙂


Shadow of war was a good time

That’s bait.

Battle for middle earth peak rts

Battle for Middle Earth remains the best LotR game made

What ate you talking about? LotR has banger games, more than most other movies.

Lord of the rings online r/lotro

The Hobbit, The Third Age, the first Lego game, RotK, the Shadow of games??

OP is on crack

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