Titan’s Great Snow Adventure – Gator Days (OC)

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Me when I step on my dogs paw
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I really look forward to these comics, especially with everything going on. Thanks for providing a bright spot in my day!

Little did Hannah know that was Titan’s plan to get back inside since he hates the know. Just look at Titan, that is clearly one clever dog that knows how to get what he wants.

I think your dog is… broken?

I don’t think Titan and physical activity have much to do with each other. Playing in the snow probably was never going to work out.

Is Titan low vision or visually impaired?

Dog was just trying to taste the snow.


Hannah is too nice for this world, what a cutie.

This comic is somehow the first time I noticed Hannah has hooves instead of hands! How does she play video games?

Maybe Titan wanted to become one with the snow. Put him back!

So it looks like…
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Wild assumption, but is Titan blind?

Everything about that dog is so white, how did she even find him? He blends in perfectly.

I need a irl pic of titan pls

This was me with my first babysitting job when the little girl fell off a swing 😭 Hannah is so sweet

It took me a moment to realize Titan is blind, which is probably the main reason he just faceplanted

Hannah is such a sweetheart.

Protect her at all costs.

Titan is a real trooper.

Would Titan like a treat? ðŸĶī

This is adorable!!

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