Sold, fair and square.

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He loves Trump as much as a man who doesn’t feel empathy and sleeps with women like they’re pajamas and treats women like they’re baby factories and has kids with multiple women at the same time and yet feels no actual need to take care of his small village worth of kids to the point that he names them by keysmashing while spamming the alt key and was willing to abandon his daughter, the one he had right after his first child passed away at less than 3 months old, at the drop of a hat when she no longer fits his narrative *can* love another man.

Are we not going to talk about how he admitted he’s gay

what happens when he gets bored and stops playing with him

“And they were roommates…”

This gotta be fake right?

Where’s that one gif from catfished?

I’m sure it’ll be real hard for Elon when he has to put Trump down

Paid in full, no refunds.

Thought Lincoln abolished this

I also love my pet

I can’t wait for the inevitable break up of this love affair. Two egos in the same room for any length of time are bound to clash. One has dementia and thinks he’s a king, and the other has ADHD and perhaps a drug addiction and also thinks he’s a king.

We are truly living in interesting times. I hate it

Right. Sure. Of course. This dimwitted hate-monger is a real expert on the concept of love.

Are these all from today?

They stroke each others egos and wallets

What a fucking nut job.

He might not be the best pig, but he was the cheapest one that he could plausibly ride to the White House.

Hmmm. Sucking up pretty hard there, Elon. Afraid you’re going to be “falling” out of a window soon? That’s how Putin deals with his petty annoyances and I would think Trump (or any of his inner circle) would be happy to follow his example.

When they turn on each other it’s gonna be glorious

I guess that means something for a person who’s family members have been purchased.

Aww! A man and his pet Cheeto!

lol “Breaking news, President Musk loves his puppet. More at 11”

Donald is the definition of closeted gay dude, married trophy wives, likes “strong men” & of course thinks of himself as a macho man.

The rate at which his cognitive impairment is progressing, I bet he won’t last 2 years. 3 at most. Then we get to see Elon as President !

Musk knew Trump was going to be big mad about that Time cover. Or Trump was upset and Elon was trying to smooth things over.

They fucked.

What’s something so Right Wing this comment gets taken down

bought him like DJT bought melania

Trump’s such a successful groomer. His victims don’t even see it happened that they have succumbed to his pleasure. Idiot, Elon.

So, it sounds like DJT turned down a hummer from Elmo.

I keep seeing this Alex Cole, and he is hilarious.

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