~ 300.000 peope in Munich stand up against facism

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Wow! Never seen that many sober people on Wiesn/Oktoberfest.

With the wannabe fascists being more vocal lately I find this very important.

I am proud of you 👍🏻

I love how orderly it looks. It looks all neat, and it looks like there are even aisles there, too.

Why are the Germans fighting harder than us Americans.. ☹️ Much love EuroBro’s. Somebody has to fight the good fight.

I wish we’d do the same, instead we elect them …

thats my hometown and i‘m proud of it!

What a beautiful sight these people are doing something about it not just complaining

Come on Germany, don’t fall for the muskrat like the USA did.

Even though it is mostly symbolic, it still is nice too see that such large portions of the population are political active in such a way.

Sehr gut München!

Fuck Elon

Now let this reflect in voting

America, we need to be doing this.

I feel worried rather than inspired or wholesome by those pictures. If we need 300k rallies against fascism we’re in deep troubles already.

Good. Now smash the fascists out existence.

Deleted the previous post as it was a crosspost and the original post was deleted in another sub.

I support you.

Show up like this on the 23rd

Fucking love to see it

Shame the US can’t get that angry

Now they just need to vote for anything but the established partys to get someone new into the bundestag

Openly admitting to voting AfD in western Germany would essentially ruin your life atm. But yea let’s have some more vague anti fascism protests, how brave. I’m sure all these people would have been in the resistance during the reign of actual fascism lmao

fight against imaginary enemies: Munich edition

Look at all those AFD voters! /s

Islamic fascism is a real problem in Europe…

facism? that’s terrible, hating people for their faces is evil

Go Munich!!!

More than here in Murica:(

300k lefists criminals who are as dangerous as facists

Now they just need to vote for anything but the established partys to get someone new into the bundestag – like Volt

Aber an der Soundanlage müssen sie noch arbeiten, für die Theresienwiese war das zu mager.

Our protests are maybe a couple thousand completely disorganized people that don’t announce their weekday protests until like 2 days before.

Might be stupid question, but what are they protesting for practically. As in: what do they want that gets changed?

Changed legislation to ban extreme right?

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