One of the two remaining Northern White Rhinos in the world, Guarded 24 hours a day.

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The people who protect these amazing animals should be revered for what they do. I truly wish there was a way I could thank them for the service they provide.

Extremely sad

This is so incredibly sad! The western black rhino is extinct in the wild. Itโ€™s just disgusting to see how humanity treats these creatures. Theyโ€™re literally two and on brink of extinction and theyโ€™re still has to be guards watching to make sure theyโ€™re not killed 24 hours a day. Just disgusting!

That Rhino looks so depressed ๐Ÿ˜”

I heard poachers dicks buried along your fence line prevents home invasions. This easy trick doesnโ€™t kill the donors and saves endangered species.

Dude is sleeping

Canโ€™t wait for them to finish bringing back the dodo so we can somewhat atone for our other sins like this.

lamb of god – reclamation (melodic death metal)

Mankind is a festering parasite
Relentlessly draining its host dry

Only after the last tree’s cut
And the last river poisoned
Only after the last fish is caught
Will you find that money cannot be eaten

And they are considered extinct in the wild. The two left are both females. The last male died in 2018.

I remember seeing the news of the last male. At the time I thought that was the last of all Northern White Rhinos. Sad news.

Now knowing there are still two left, Iโ€™m relieved but still sad at the same time. Fuck poachers!

While this is depressing, itโ€™s worthwhile considering the story of its cousin the Southern White Rhino. In the 19th Century it was hunted to the point that only 50 were left. Now, there are 18,000 of them in the wild.

For every depressing nature conservation story, there is usually a good one.

Are they both of the same gender?

Poachers deserve Scaphism!

Itโ€™s like that Strider in Solstheim ๐Ÿค“

I hope they stay safe



So sad

So sad so majestic

Humans destroy everything we touch, our greed and lust for thrill will be the end of everything.

I’m pretty sure it’s too late

Wait two?? What the f

Black market value of Rhino horn /kg is much higher than gold price /kg .

That photo is exuding aura

Someone abort the poachers for this shit.

Rhinos are almost extinct?

This one looks lonely

So much sadness in those eyes..

โ€œWhite Rhino Syndromeโ€

One day itโ€™ll be our turn not to have a place in the world anymore.

Will probably never meet that man or any other protector, but I wish them long and happy, fruitful lives

Thereโ€™s a non zero chance I saw this guy in 2011; was on Safari in the Serengeti and saw a white rhino from about 40 miles away, with a tent pitched next to it. We got a good look through binoculars, but weโ€™re told it was not advisable to go any closer.

That’s really upsetting poor thing

Some guy in China is getting a hard on looking at this

Shouldnโ€™t we put them in a wildlife zoo and breed them?

poor thing another species that humans destroyed ๐Ÿ˜ญ

What was the point? There are only two remaining…
What was the fucking point of hunting to the point of extinction a whole specie it was not for food, it was not easy, nor safe, maybe for shitty “medical” purposes, sure it gave money for a while but now there’s nothing left.
We have lost everything.

Well she’ll never get laid with that guy 24 hour rhinovaginablocking her.

And the guard is sleeping! ๐Ÿ’ค

Isn’t this mostly the result of western poacher?

and this is thanks to the immensely stupid “Traditional Chinese Medicine” bullshit


What’s the point of protecting it , it’s already gonna go extinct in a few years , there’s no way to come out of this

If he so guarded why is bro in the back yard wit my butter dog rn

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