Hopefully He Will Not Want This Too

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They settled this in 2022 by both sides taking control of a half

The whisky war ended in 2022.

Hans Island divided between Nunavut (Canada) and Greenland (Denmark).

The BRUTAL “Whiskey War” waged between Canada and Denmark between 1973 and 2022.

In 1984, the sly Canadian soldiers ESCALATED the war by planting a Canadian flag and leaving a bottle of whisky on the island. In response, the cruel Danish Minister of Greenland Affairs planted a Danish flag and left a bottle of schnapps, along with a HORRIFIC note welcoming visitors to Danish Island.

Over the next several decades this ruthless and savage exchange of tearing down the other’s flag while FLAGRANTLY taunting the other side, but leaving a gift of liquor and often notes of friendship to taunt the other side.

FINALLY the bitter conflict was ended in 2022 when the two countries decided to split the island in half.

It is said that there is a spot at the centre of the island that still smells of spirits… that liquor soaked soil that time cannot cleanse…

I love how no matter what’s happening we can all still be silly. It’s so important.

The problems will start when instead of a whiskey bottle someone will leave there a donut

They play capture the flag, we play capture the territory

They solved it, it’s now Danish territory.

I guess “the democracies don’t go to war with each other” meme is still going strong 🤷

It looks like a big pancake

That’s a fucking rock

Word has it that they’re both extremely sorry.

Could everyone please be quiet about “available territories” for the next four years?


At some point, I need to sleep.

It’s not about being nice. The island is simply so useless that it’s not worth fighting over. If it had gold deposits or other valuable resources, there would be wars lasting for years.

this is what happens when there’s no oil inside it

Shooot…my daddy…may he rest in peace…only drink he had on Saturday going to El Paso Cantina in Torrance every Saturday night in the 70’s and 80’s was. CC on the rocks. Canadian club

It was basically colonizers Vs allies, dumb but fun till the end.

I’d quite like to live here.

There‘s also a disputed border between Germany and The Netherlands. In 2014 both countries agreeed that the they share responibility for the disputed area. Thus the disput was settled.

I wonder if one time they both tried to do it at the same day. And they settled who got to put down the flag with a coin flip or by playing rock paper scissor.

Are there any French people around that would like a similar deal with their Dutch buddies regarding Belgium?

We’d happily trade a bottle of gin for a bottle of cognac. And Brussels is practically built out of flagpoles, we could make it into some kind of spectacle and have Gojira and Joost Klein perform, you name it.

Qui est partant?

“This is what happens when nice countries fight” no, this is what happens when countries don’t give a shit about a piece of land.

If there was an iota of value to be extracted they’re be a lot more than an exchange of alcohol.

Canada and Denmark now share a land border. Time to join the EU.

America gonna go there and leave a big mac

6 months later it will still be in the same condition it was before..

We Brits did this with the Argenitians on a small island called the Falklands.

Last time, a Scotsman left them a beautifully crafted bayonet


We all know Canada would have won that war if it ever came to blows

“Hey the Canadians removed our flag and left us a bottle of whisky”. “Let’s remove theirs and leave them a bottle of schnapps, that will show them!”

Just tell him it’s Greenland….


Canadian whisky* – not whiskey.

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