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I kept hearing about this alpha male icon figure called Andrew Tate and assumed he looked like giga-chad. Then I saw him and thought “what the fuck..?”

My precious

You can tell he’s an adult bedwetter

Borderlands ass NPC

I believe the only people listening to him also have weak jawlines and are also the “sigma male” enthusiasts lmao

When did we stop “not shaming people for their looks”?

Golems brother ?

As a person with a small or recessed jawline, I am really fucking tired of this slam. Do you fucking think I can help my JAW LINE? And do you really think it affects my personality or ability to be successful? No, I’ve done very well for myself and am generally a confident person, until the world keeps telling me my face and profile make me inadequate. Jesus fuck leave us alone and quit perpetuating this bullshit stereotype.

Also quit pushing the strong jaw line means adequate / better story too. Maybe if you’re a supermodel, but otherwise, fuck off with that.

Bitchface looks like an avocado.

“skull shape and jawline”; i will not use the ways/weapons of the enemy to shame them.

I’m not willing to insult anyone to feel better about myself

He looks like fucking Morty from Rick amd Morty when he does that weird thing with his lips

It’s like if Earthworm Jim had an extra chromosome.

The poster child for vaginal dryness. He disgusts me.

What if i change the image to an ugly trans girl

No no, he is definitely superior at imitating golum.

Not gonna mention the ears or the eyes?

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See him
Dance , talk or speak and it is clear he is not superior in any category

What a dick.

People still talking about this dude ? 😭😂

You don’t have to be handsome to fight well

These are the same people who think Trump is an alpha godly man.

that jawline is giving “Minecraft creative mode”

It’s Kayou

Someone really messed around with character creation settings with him

Looks like one of the aliens out of men in black film

Don’t steroids increase your jaw size?

Curiously he has not pulled the historic debt due to their ascendancy.

I think it has to do with people who have faced a lot of social problems. They discover they aren’t conventionally attractive and start obsessing about looks and behaviors that they think dominates or guarantees their success.

He looks like a knock off Mr potato head you’d find on Temu.

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