A cool guide how to get a scientific paper for free

By Danipaa
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Sci-Hub, works most of the time and you don’t need to contact anyone.

I’ve tried following this advice a few times. 0% success rate.

I’d guess that the number of people who need to read articles that cost $35 to read and actually pay the $35 rounds to zero.

The academic version of “Just DM me, bro.”

Big if true

I mean I know what you all are saying, but this has worked for me on more than one occassion.

A lot of it has to do with how you ask. It is often not the author’s fault that there is a fee to access journals and like she says, most of them will be happy to oblige. More people reading their work – the better. Remember that they are human and they are happy to help if you are kind in your opening remarks

If you search the title of the paper in quotes + PDF you can sometimes find it on their institutions website.

If this is true can you self host your papers somewhere else?

Is it just one paper at a time or can I get a ream of science?

I tried this several times and never received a response. I am not saying it does not work; it just has not worked for me.

Ask them for the pre-print rather than just asking for the article you will have a better chance at getting it

Does this work for college textbooks?

Ive tried about 10% reply and 90% make you pay the $35

I did this! Totally worked. Took a while to get a response, but the author was super nice.

Why are you allowed to send it for free? Are the publishers stupid?

It’s curious how 90% of reddit is still twitter posts

I tried this is a lie. They don’t respond

It’s a 50/50 for me. Sometimes they send it – sometime they ask you to wait for it to be public, sometime they ignore.

President musk killed this.

Sci-Hub incase you don’t want to interact with the authors and need the article urgently or ResearchGate incase you want to interact with minimal efforts and there’s no rush. I personally prefer ResearchGate as I get to convey a line or two about their work/topic apart from just asking for the paper.


The pay-walling of information is one of the biggest contributors towards misinformation in our current age. Not just academic journals but news. People don’t have money for eggs let alone academic papers so they get it from some random guy online who is equally misinformed

Had no idea as an author I was allowed to distribute the paper for free.

Good to know!! So many times while researching for school I’ve wanted to read a particular article and don’t end up getting to due to the paywall.


But first, subscribe to my substack

When someone asks you for a paper and you have to subimt a request to your librarian because you don’t have access either, but someone wants to maybe read it, so your going to put in the effort to get it.

Not really.

Participated in an Australian study years ago.

Asked for the paper later, and was ignored.


All authors should upload it to libgen since it would be faster to find and get a copy of instead of waiting for a reply if they see my email.

Can I still use it in a work cited page? I’m not in school just curious.

Absolutely true. I ask nicely and so far no researcher has ever refused to send me their paper.

Researchers Hate This One Weird Tweet

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