Water is not wet

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Help!!! Someone call an ambulance, but not for the water body.

This dude was just drowned.

As I understand things, around 10% of all pregnancies end in spontaneous death of the fetus. So God kills the baby. You think itโ€™s a good idea to force the grieving mother to carry the dead fetus till the end of term.

How very Christian of you, forcing women to carry a dead body in their womb for several months, possibly even up to 7 or 8 months. You want to deny them the opportunity to bury their child, that your god killed, because you donโ€™t like a necessary and warranted medical procedure. Not infrequently this would kill the mother as well, which could be considered your fault.

How very โ€˜pro lifeโ€™ of you. Unless of course you want the woman executed for having the spontaneous abortion in the first place.

How do you get burned…by a LAKE?!

Lake Superior never gives up her dead. He is lost to her.

Bro just lost an argument with a lake

The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down

Of the big lake they call Gitche-Gumee

The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead

When the posts up on Twitter turn loony

The way I’d never show my face again after being put in my place by a body of water. Conservatives are nuts

Perhaps anti-abortionists are so worried because deep down they think thereโ€™s still a chance their mothers would eventually get so fed up with their tirades and be able to have them aborted this late.

War and executions are also killing a human, but Conservatives seem to get a hard on for it then. They seem to be rather fond of killing humans.

Lake Superior indeedโ€ฆ

I donโ€™t know which one Lake Superior is but itโ€™s my favorite now.

Tom can push all the babyโ€™s he wants out of his vagina.

Water is wet. It’s being touched by the other water.

I am pro choice, but, I think if you define wet as something touched by water, then water molecules touch other water molecules, making them all wet.


I agree with my big brother

Isn’t water usually in contact with other water, thus making water wet?

Lol, my 8 year old daughter yesterday explained me why water is not wet

Tell that to the 11 year old who was raped, and not is forced to give birth…. And wait, she died during child birth and the baby Is also dead? I think the abortion would have been better

Water is wet though? I know this is Reddit but it seems like people are just abandoning every kind of logic here

If a=b and b=c then a=c i think

His profile pic always makes me think Greg Abbott has a walkable avatar or something.

Who in the medical field states a mother must carry a dead baby to full term. Thatโ€™s what a D& C is for. And God doesnโ€™t kill babies. Nothing is perfect on this earth and those imperfections are not Gods fault. How simple minded to considerโ€ฆ.

Actually depends on how you define “wet”.

The reality is that there’s no agreement on the exact definition.

This lake just proves why it is, indeed, Superior.

Toms a piece of shit, but water is always surrounded by and touching other water…

also letโ€™s stop calling fetuses human beings. they are fetuses. just like the woman who chooses whether to carry it to term is a woman before she is a mother. thank you!

This will *always* be my favourite burn.

Tom fitton played a direct role with WikiLeaks in the 2016 hacking of the DNC

He also looks like the gym coach that gave boys and girls the creeps

Climate change getting so out of hand lakes are evolving to use Twitter.

This is so old I’m surprised it still has so many pixels!

“abortion kills human beings”

So does birthing them?

I think itโ€™s fine pointing it out if somebody uses it as an indisputable fact.

Always nice to see it: the signature look of Superiority.

Magas – dumber than a lake

This is one of the weirdest takes I’ve seen


When heโ€™s underwater, does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead?

But each water molecule is being touched by other water molecules, so therefore it is wet?

Water is wet though

Pretty sure water touches itself, thereby making it wet.

Water is wet. Unless you have one singular molecule of H2O the water would be touching itself.

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