I knew “free kittens” was too good to be true

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No cat for you!

This is actually hilarious

Is this person a cat? This person might be a cat. This is how a cat would give away kittens.

“Fuck off you don’t get one now” sent me what the hell is that 😂😂😂 I’m sorry OP

Sounds like he’s been called feral, but doesn’t know what it means and assumes it’s always an insult

Bro lmao. Why are people so fucking weird and needlessly sensitive? The dude took offense to a basic ass question.

If there’s one person who shouldn’t be in charge of rehoming kittens, it’s this guy.

Those people advertising “free kittens” tend to be the irresponsible type that don’t take their animals to the vet, let alone get them fixed..

“Well shit, sorry, I didn’t realize you were the feral one, not the cats”

Just to give a little more information (there really isn’t much more): the post he was advertising said something like “8 Siamese kittens for free.” Nothing about age, temperament, etc.

I follow a lot of people who foster kittens and they often use “feral” to describe spicy rescue kittens who have had no human contact, so I used that word. I live in a rural area, and in the 2 pictures he included they looked scared and possibly hissing, so that’s why I asked.

Dependent on the information in the posting this is a perfectly normal question to ask, especially when dealing with cats. Could’ve easily answered the question and chose to be an ass instead – seems like behavior like this is pretty trendy

“Are the kittens feral?”

The owner:


They only mildly infuriated you for a few moments out of your day but they are miserable for life

I just realized those poor kittens are hiding in a BOX SPRING mattress. They’re not feral. This low life probably didn’t bother to spay his cat. 😾

Wow, imagine if you asked if they’d been tested/vaccinated for FIV or FeLV. “Have YOU been tested” ????? 🤣

Poor kittens. If they can’t even as answer a basic wellness question without malice, those kittens are probably fk’d.

Wow what an asshole

lol what the hell?

I’m gonna start asking people if they’re feral now lol

send us the listing link so we can all txt this jerk: “are these feral cats?”


Time to make 10 new accounts and set up meetings.

Well…are you feral??

Why are some people in the comments genuinely finding a problem with OP’s question? Does everything need to be sugar-coated so that no one on the planet can be offended? It’s a valid question: Are they feral yay or nay? 🤔

This is the exact response I’d expect from people who can’t be bothered to spay or neuter their cats

Zero emotional regulation or accountability for his feelings

He seemed feral.

I’m not even sure they’re giving away kittens.

“They were feral.”

Send me the link cause I wanna ask him the same question lmfao

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