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I often try to do that in real life, making me to pretend I got something left at home just to not go to work

Time for a trip to the pretend DMV

I am equal parts amused and sad. Kids mimic their parents, and this is one stressed out parent.

Time to teach your daughter about walkable cities and why car dependency is bad

She’s mimicking her mother, which kind of makes me sad

Become the DMV (Doll-Mommy-Verifier) and issue a new license after a driving test.

Wait until it runs out of blinker fluids.

At least she’s being responsible

Convince her to drive without it and then befriend a real cop and have said cop pretend to pull over your daughter.

This scenario could turn out to be a teachable moment. She can now pretend to play the “DMV replacement ID card situation.”

She should issue a new license, with a test and everything. I bet the kid would love that.

Where’d she learn that, Mama? 🫵

I think God telling you to take a break your baby’s the reflection of you she pretending to be stressed because she think that how life supposed to be.

Tell her she can use your driver’s license until she finds her license.

Give her the sovereign citizen talk.

[Reminded me of “My little step-children” for some reason.](

That child was born 35

Park should be within walking distance.

God If only I could go back to being that small, i would kill for a do-over.

That’s how my dreams go every night. Sometimes I can’t find my boarding pass, sometimes can’t find the gate, usually can’t get my phone to work normally, but just like your kid.

She needs go into the DMV and request a new license. Should get it her in about 5 to 10 business days 🤡

In my country you don’t have to have the physical copy with you. If you have any id card or registered your phone into the online citizen program they accept that too.

I think you should charge her 5 cents for a replacement as the pretend DMV.

Time to play pretend trip to the DMV

psst she’s imitating what she observes

You don’t need it, just drive (far away)

Why doesn’t she just walk to the park?

I think she’s learning how to stress from you

Play DMV with her.

She walks down to the dmv (your computer) you ask her questions, take a pic, and make and print a new DL!

My wife got my kid a Tamogouchi 2 Christmases ago, and we had to confiscate it because he was getting so stressed trying to keep it alive.

Like, I love the caring and empathy, but dude…

I found my phone back in the fridge today. You do NOT want me on the road.

Isn’t that only an issue if the pretend cops pull her over?

It feels like an episode of Bluey.

So make her a new license

Make her go to the DMV (you) and issue her a new license

That’s when you pull the invisible copy of her license from your pocket and give it to her. The power of invisible items has saved many a moment for my kids!

Hope the kid only pretending & not fixating

Go down to the cardboard dmv and get a cardboard temporary license.

Pretend stress is real.

She has her updated registration and insurance cards for her Little Tikes car too right 😂

As long as she doesn’t get pulled over by the pretend police, she should be fine.

This is when you tell her it will be ok this one time to go without it, then 2 mins later you’re the police pulling her over

Kids mimic what they see; seeing you freakout all the time is what she believes is “normal.”

Wow, your anxiety and chaos and worry is transferring to her.

In psychiatry we talked about transference and counter-transference.

This is fascinating.

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