Meet Tiger, my boyfriends ancient 20 year old kitty.

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Awe sweet baby, I had a tabby that lived to be 21 named blinky
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My old lady Turning 23 this year

Look at this senior citizen!

I’ve discovered that feeding wet kitten food with their senior formula crunchies can help them keep their weight up and is a great treat for their Twilight years. It’s worth a try if you get concerned that your cat starts to look a lil thin

He looks like he knows magical spells

he looks like a teddy bear you’d see at goodwill that you just know was so deeply loved

Our Abner made it to 20, with the last 7 of that living on a sailboat.
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My 20 yr old childhood cat Joe

What an absolute sweetheart! One of my cats is 20 and she still is fighting! Literally!! I’m sure it’s her anger that keeps her going!! She has slowed down alot recently though. She has had a good life however, she is from a litter that all but her had physical deformities, maybe parents are related, we always said she has mental issues not physical. I’m pretty sure she is the only one left from that litter. Her name is tubby, and I love her.

Does Tiger need a lady friend? Stella is 21 🖤
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Oww he’s old but his cute by the way more years to come tiger


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my boyfriends senior kitty, he’s honestly perfection and so playful still, loves attention. I also love how he has void eyes

Hello Tiger! Now meet my Tiger
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I love Tiger! We have an ancient 19yr old ourselves named Pipsqueak!
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20 year old cats are sage, sweet muffins. I miss my old guy
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LuLu Bear. 21yo.

As someone that had an old guy that got to 21-22, I adore Tiger and would hug him at any chance I got. I hope he gets mushed up at every turn.

Sweetheart ❤️

Hi Big Guy. You remind me of my 18 year old Meow.

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Cute! Look at my little senior dude who’s the also 20 or so (hard to tell he was born a streetkitty)

Beautiful gentleman!

I’ve only just joined.. how do I like a reddit please?

What a cute little kitten

Ancient kitties always remind me of the (paraphrased) quote from the Velveteen Rabbit about generally by the time you become Real you’re a bit scruffy but those who understand love you all the more for it. ❤️

Tiger have a healthy long life!

Getting on in years, but still a beloved baby.

bro is so cute i’m gonna cry

Cats with this texture named Tiger live forever, I owned a similar cat and it lived til 22 years old.

Distinguished gentleman.

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18 year old dude here, I think this might be his last winter though. I think he did pretty well for a 99% outdoor cat

love him while you can.

He just is a baby tho 🥰

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