Excel isn’t just a software, it’s a way of life

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I mourn the time in college where I took a class on Microsoft Office and ACTUALLY learned how to use Excel. And then I never fucking used it again and forgot everything.

Counterpoint: Sheets is free

i love google sheets cause of the collaborative feature. does excel hvae that now?

Excel is life: endless rows of monotony with the occasional #DIV/0! to remind you nothingā€™s perfect

Heā€™s got some thigh gapā€”Sheets might be packing a hog she would enjoy more than Mr. Pencil.

I use Google Sheets as it’s free, but also because of what magic things you can make by writing some javascript to execute sone macros. Can Excel do that? I really never used it

Google sheets and Google docs have the entire “unknown hippopotamus” and “unknown coyote” stuff that makes them kinda hilarious so they get a pass

Opposite way around for me

I will take Google Sheets over Excel Online any day

As an accountant for a non-profit organisation, Google Sheets are much better for us, especially that running Microsoft Office is stupidly costly and raising the sails is not worth the risk.

I used google sheets and it had a built in scheduler to reset fields by the day/week if needed.

Excel is a thing my python code puts some stuff into sometimes.

Libreoffice forever.

Libre office is what the cool kids use

Libra office or death

Sorry, your excel spreadsheet broke because I opened it in a newer version of excel

Back in my day, we used Lotus 1-2-3 *shakes cane at sky*

Sheets has query and is easier to automate and link it with other google sheets.

Excel implemented google sheets keyboard shortcut for paste as values (ctrl+shift+n), so itā€™s hard to say excel is universally better

Speak for yourself. I was trying to use Excel a few days ago to make a scatterplot, and tried to figure it out for half an hour, but it wasn’t letting me edit any of the columns. I copied the same table into sheets and it worked immediately šŸ™

Remember kids, Software on your PC is far superior than any garbage on cloud

Shoutout to my Numbers bros! ā€¦ Iā€™ll show myself out.

I could not for the life of me navigate excel when I needed to use it for a Biusness math class.

Combined with the fact the video I was relating to given by the teach was on a older version so everything on mine was out of place.

And I was so used to Googles organization of where thing go and fall under that half the stuff in Excel made no sence to me.

But it’s good for Biusness math compared to sheets tho I guess.

I still hate it but it works.

Everything is in the wrong place

Excel for big data sets, GS for absolutely everything else

G sheets is superior imo

Excel is ass.

I’ve been using apache open office.

both are just calculators

that thing really freaks me out!

I went to a top business school and for whatever reason all the tech bros used Google sheets almost exclusively. It was infuriating to be in groups with them. We even had access to Microsoft OneDrive so it wasn’t even a case of file sharing.

OpenOffice for the win. Fuck Microsoft.

libreoffice calc – because fuck the ribbon.

Some people who write game guides on Sheets have been doing it nicely there, so I guess itā€™s decent from a user perspective

I downloaded the Sheets app on my phone and have been using them for that purpose, a viewerā€™s angle itā€™s also fine

Come on baby donā€™t you want to get between my google sheets?

Microsoft suite funds the entire furry community in the US indirectly.Ā 

I just got off google sheets to do my homework. Honestly I cba pirate excel + i’m on linux so

Me with my OpenOffice Calcā€¦

A spread sheet is just a spreadsheet. Fig Newtons are fruit and cake

Excel users when they need to charm HR: ‘Forget pivot tables, Iā€™m pioneering the art of workplace flirting!

I don’t think you can use visual basic in Google sheets. Maybe I’m wrong


Doesn’t make sense

If Excel is Excel then Google Sheet will be Incel ā˜ļø

sheet is free, so cost cutting..šŸ˜‚

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