Sad state of affairs

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That is the thing that absolutely GALLS me.

This mumble mouthed reality show failed business loser who has to pay women for sex* literally assholed his way into a constitutional crisis. Like, outta nowhere. There was no large scale catalyzing event, there was no obfuscation of his communique through lack of technology, there was no presupposition of ordainment. Nope, just a weird sweaty smeared loser with his tie scotch taped up and his diaper lines showing through his embarrassing tennis panties. I mean, did genghis khan have that torso? They’re just pathetic and we let them run rough shod through the greatest nation in history.

*sex work is real work, it’s that he attempts to project an image of intrinsic virility when really his history is rife with transaction.

It’s kinda weird because I’m kinda simultaneously warning people not to underestimate their intelligence but also at the same time don’t give them credit for being genius masterminds either???

I couldn’t have said it better myself

I’ll be honest. I think this take is somewhat wrong. Everything that is being done in the public eye seems like a huge distraction. The heritage foundation has spent over 50 years lobbying, plotting, planning, installing judges and anyone else to further their cause in any position of power no matter how low on the totem pole. No. Make no mistake, this is all planned to look stupid and unorganized. The heritage foundation spent 4 years writing executive orders for him to sign day one, they are organized.

That’s the fun part, it’s both. 

> it’s psychotic crackheads

Actually on point for Nazis.

So much truth right there

mental illness and addiction makes you a raging misogynist nazi guys you heard it here first

There were plenty of bumbling psychotic crackheads in the third Reich too. It’s kind of their thing.

Boy do I have news about the end of the third reich

People massively overestimate the ‘women won’t fuck me’ psychology and how much it actually matters to any of these people. It’s honestly really nasty and annoying. This project at the top is driven by true believing capitalist ideologues who genuinely believe public government shouldn’t exist and everything would function better if it was privatized because private capitalists have to prove some sort of ‘competency’ in the market that selects for competence through competition. It’s total bullshit because the market is a top to bottom sham and the profit motive fundamentally does not allow for stable and functional institutions because their need to make money is more important than their need to actually do the thing they’re supposed to do.

I really, really hate how pithy twitter libs can only understand anything bad through the narrative of aggrieved incels. It’s so incredibly online and brain broken.

How can you not see that *this* is all absolutely bits and pieces of a very real plan falling into place? it’s working because nobody on the other side can see past the inbred illiterates spewing fascist talking points while the billionaires have LITERALLY paid for the executive’s attention. The chaos is engineered to distract us from the people pulling strings and getting exactly what they want.

Ray, ripping the copper out of yer walls fer bribe money is fucked!

Oh corrupt pumpkin, tell us what to do.

Your orange glow and and lack of brains, makes us want to do Halloween things with you. 

Even though I may be a pumpkin virgin, I will whisper this into your unbrained ear, 

“Lil pumpkin dont be afraid, this is a bottle of lube. When we are alone in the moonlight later my dear pumpkin, I will put my seed in you!” 

I am mostly German-Polish.

Many of my Polish relatives were murdered by German Nazis.

Many of my German relatives escaped as Hitler was taking power. Some others were killed. A few others became Nazis.

1920-40s were horrific and also extraordinary all at once.

2020 America is a fucking Clown Show. Fuck this.

First as Tragedy then as Farce…

this tactic should be called “dog with rabies” political strategy

Fuk them? I don’t even want to look at them!

Little from column A, little from column B, with a lot of lead poisoning thrown in there

The Nerd Reich

Truer words have not been spoken.

Nah, that was v1. We’re now on v2, where they are still psychotic crackheads, but now there are people mixed in who have been spending the last 4+ years diagraming where all the best wires are to really do so some damage

so true

why is his pfp not centered correctly

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